17 3 2

Warning : This chapter is lazily written ;) It might be because we have one more chapter left.


"Ichinose-san, are you sure about your decision?"

For the last time...

Yes, he was going to say it so that anyone who made him repeat himself would stay out of his way but...

Whenever he turned to see Haruka's round eyes which cast concern and could swallow him inside, he could not.

He was no longer the Ichinose Tokiya who would glare at anyone who got on his nerves. He was no longer the Ichinose-san who got easily annoyed at Haruka's tendency to poke her nose into his business.

He was the Ichinose-san who did not want to hurt her feelings anymore and wanted her to stay by his side. Yet, at the same time, he did not want to be that selfish. She deserved to choose the best path for her life.

Which was with STARISH.

STARISH without Tokiya.

"I think so," he said nonchalantly as he flipped the script in his hand. This was no good. He had a drama shooting tomorrow but he could not focus. All the dialogue was already in his head but he could not immerse into his character at all.

"How about your career after this? How about STARISH? You have managed to escape from being HAYATO..."

"You can see what I am doing right now, right, Nanami-san?" He said as he lifted the script to match her eye level. His lips spread a small smile that no one knew how exhausting for him to curve in. "Excluding STARISH activities, I am fully booked until next year. I have the whole year to work hard and prove everyone that I still can be a solo artist. At that time, STARISH will be well-know and I will be cheering them on..."

"But you shine the most when you're with them. Please don't lie to me, Ichinose-san!"

As much as he found that her voice was cute even she was shrieking like a bird, this was not the time for that. From how Haruka was frowning while both her hands were balled into fists, Tokiya was convinced that she would punch him if she could.

"You look the happiest when you sing with them. I know I haven't known you too long but from the way your songs didn't have a heart before, it might be caused by your hardship in the past. To be honest, you look so much better when you smile like there is no tomorrow. It makes me happy and to see you happy is..."

At this moment, she went too personal and she knew that she talked too much. The guts which she had garnered in order to convince Tokiya instantly faded into the thin air. All she could do instead of running away out of embarrassment was looking at the grass while screaming in her mind.

Why does it matter for him to know what makes me happy? Stupid Haruka!

There was no response from Tokiya. Seconds passed and Haruka almost believed that Tokiya thought she was being ridiculous when suddenly...




Continuously of loud voices disrupted the awkward vibes between them. She turned, eyes sized up to see the rest of STARISH members gasped for air. They ran so fast as if they just knew that Tokiya would leave the Master Course in a slow motion with a hope that they would stop and apologize to him.

"Guys..." she exclaimed.

"Damn... are you here for the whole day with Nanami!? I thought that the earth just swallowed you for good," Syo exclaimed, hands clasping his knees as his body still defeated his exhaustion.

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