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" JIE ! JIE ! JIE WAKE UP IT'S ME ZHAN, your didi is here Jie ~ " Zhan broke down beside his sister as she laid on the hospital bed motionless. The doctor's came in and patted his shoulder " I'm sorry Mr. Xiao, but your sister has passed away along with her husband " the doctor said making Zhan break, he shook his head as he was not able to  believe the doctor's words, he didn't want to believe his sister was no more, his only family had died in a car crash and he couldn't do anything but weep for her, he was helpless. He begged the doctors to save her and her husband, but they were not able to save her and as well as her husband. Zhan sat in the corner as he watched his sister and his brother in law being taken away in stretcher. He screamed and shouted he truly had no one in this world now.

The hospital room fell in silence only the sounds of Zhan whimpering was heard. But then Zhan remembered something as he ran to doctors room wiping his tears off his eyes. He hurriedly opened the door and panted for air, the doctor stood up confused on what was going on with Zhan " Yuan...Yuan " he panted calling the name, the doctor made a confused face once again, not being able to get what Zhan had said, Zhan breathed deeply and then held Doctor's hand and looked at him searching for answer " Yuan, Where is Yuan ? " he asked worried that he might have died as well. The doctor smiled holding his hand " Come with me " 

Zhan followed him quietly as they reached a room, the doctor pushed open the door and Zhan immediately ran with tears chocking him " Yuan ! " he screamed, afraid that he might loose him as well, the doctor smiled " Yuan is doing good, he might need a week's more rest here and then he's good to go " the doctor said as Zhan heaved a sigh of relief that his nephew had survived the horrible crash. As Zhan smiled with tears filled eyes caressing his nephew's hair, the doctor sighed making Zhan look at him  " What is it Doctor Lee ? "  Zhan asked worried. The doctor gestured to step Zhan out of the room along with him. Zhan nodded as both the men stood outside the door of Yuan's room.

Doctor Lee spoke " You know Yuan is only two years old, that means he would be put for adoption, but this can be prevented if any other family member of your sister would be able to foster care Yuan " Zhan looked at Doctor Lee and then looked at Yuan through the glass door, he saw the little child was sleeping peacefully, if anyone knew the pain of not being able to grow without parents it was Zhan himself. He didn't want his nephew to grow up with the same pain, he looked at Doctor Lee and smiled " I will tale care of Yuan, I will be his father, I will be his mother, I will be everything he needs me to be, I am the only one he's got an he's the only one I've got " Lee smiled " Good, then I'll ask the staffs to prepare the paper work " 

Zhan nodded as the doctor left, Zhan turned at the glass door once again and saw Yuan sleeping " Don't worry Yuan, you have me ~ " he smiled as he continued looking at the sleeping Yuan. Tears escaped Zhan's eyes as he couldn't believe the fate what his only family had to undergo. He knew it would be tough without his sister, but he should learn to go on without her, at least for Yuan. 


Three Years Later ...

" Yuan ! Yuan stop running, baba can't run fast like you " Zhan slumped on the park bench trying to breathe in some air as he felt breathless trying to run after Yuan tryin to catch him as they had come to the park to play games. Yuan came running back once again to Zhan seeing him sit on the bench " Baba ~ " he called Zhan pulling him his hand in attempts to make him play once again, but once he wasn't able to pull Zhan from the bench, Yuan pouted " Baba~ Yuan wants to play with you ~ " he pouted as his became moist, Zhan looked at him and sighed but soon replaced it with a smile " Fine ~ " he said getting up from the bench chasing Yuan once again.

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