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- Yeah well maybe if you weren't too busy fucking everybody's boyfriend we wouldn't hate you.
- Well who's fault is that? Maybe if your boyfriends didn't get seduced by how hot I am I wouldn't have 30 bodies now.
- Yeah you also wouldn't have an STD either now would you?
- She's such a fucking slut. Just drop her ass and run before we get caught.
- ....
- Hit me bitch.. you won't. Pussy.
- Oh I won't? Reall-
Saturn throws a fake punch and Becca flinches.
- Look how hard she flinched.
Saturns' best friend Jayla was giggling. She's known her since she was 9.
Saturn throws a punch and begins beating Becca in the bathroom. The bathroom door was open. Becca begins to scream.
Saturn continues beating her. Teachers begin to arrive and pull Saturn off Becca. Saturn was later given detention for 2 weeks. Jayla was let off since she made herself "look" like she was stopping the fight.
- This is your fault either you're expelled or you have detention. Detention lasts an hour an 30 minutes. For the next two weeks.
- Fine, this is a really good school and I'd rather take detention than be expelled.
- Good choice. Since you decided to fight her 20 minutes before the bell rung you go on ahead you have 2 minutes before it rings.
The assistant principal hands Saturn a piece of paper with a warning on it.
- Alright.
Goddamn talking to the assistant principal is fucking annoying but it was worth it to put that bitch in the hospital. I'm surprised I didn't get a worse punishment than this. Now his classroom is on the 2nd floor. I have to go up one floor then.
Saturn begins hopping up the stairs and knocks on the door.
Professor Williams opens the door.
- Ahh.. hello Saturn. Weren't you here just a while ago? Well not with me but in detention?
- Oh.. um yeah I was.
- Well come in so we can have a chat about that then.
- Okay.
Saturn walks into the close and Kai closes the door behind her.
- You can take a seat.
- Okay..
- I'm going to prepare some tea while I talk don't mind me..
- Kai-
- It's Professor Williams. You got that?
- Yes.
- Mhmm. Yes what?
Kai leans down to look at Saturn. He places down a water and leans back up.
- Yes sir.
- Mhm. Manners. Now.. what was the reason you put your hands on another student?
- It's a bit of a stupid reason, it's kinda associated with the other students...
- Yeah, I would like to know..
- Alright.. So the reason I fought Becca is because 1: she called me a pussy. 2: she's been fucking and seducing every girls boyfriend and has been bragging about it. 3: she got an STD from one guy and had sex with another
guy, gave it to him and now one of the girls has it because she had sex with her boyfriend.
- Ohh.. I see. What does that have to do with you though?
- Oh um.. well see she tried to seduce my best friends boyfriend but he knows about her and snitched so I confronted her about it. And I'd do anything for my bestie even if it means getting in trouble.
- Mm, seems like you're a good friend hm?
- Yeah I guess.
- Yeah so.. I'd like to talk to you about something else as well.
- What is it?
- This note. It was signed with your name on it and slipped under my door. It's in your "best friends" handwriting.
- Huh?
- Oh yeah... it states.. "I've always loved you Kai, you're so funny and loving, and I wish you would talk to me one day"
- Wha-
- Aht aht aht.. Hold on. My question is... is.. is this your best friend saying it's from you or does she like me but wanted it to say it was from you?
- I.. I don't kno-
- Don't say you don't know.
Saturn was seated in a chair as Kai stood over her. Close, and speaking in a whispered tone.
- I really don't know Professor she's never talked to me about this before.
- So is she reallllyyyy your best friend?
Kai leans down to Saturns eye level while standing.
- Is she?

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