
23 1 1

Kai leans down to Saturns eye level while standing.
- Is she?
- What the hell is this ??
Saturn tries to stand.
- Sit down. Or I'll ask for a month of detention with you.
- Okay.. well yeah we've been friends for a long time.
- Oh? Well has she acted different? Do you want to text her?
- Uhm yeah.
Saturn stands and leans down to grab her phone from her bag.
[Saturn: Hey Jayla why did you slip a note under Professor Williams door? Why did you sign my name?]
Moments pass..
- She hasn't answered yet has sh-
[Jayla: I see the way you look at him in class, I decided to never say anything and tell him myself]
Saturns breath deepens and Kai leans over Saturns phone. Saturn looks up at Kai's face. Eye's locked and a grin on his face.
- So is it true what your "childhood best friend" is saying?
- I-I think I dunno maybe. I never had a chance to come to terms with it yet.
- I noticed. How you stared at me during class. Whenever I set my hands on your desk you'd be too busy staring at them. You'd bend over in front of me, but in front of your classmates you'd bend down to pick something up. Showing that pretty little ass only to me. Hmm?
- Professor Williams I-
- Call me Kai. I was just being harsh before I said anything.
- Y-Yes sir.
- Oh god there you go again.
- Huh..
Kai leans down to whisper in Saturns ear.
- I love... how you call me sir. You say it so shy. So cute.
Kai was blushing as he stared into her eyes. Saturn blushes more and looks away.
- Nothing to say?
- Kai.. I didn't know you noticed.
- I noticed a lot. I overheard you defending me when another student sexualized me in front of you. That was sexy.
Kai kisses Saturn, he held Saturn tight by her waist.
- Saturn can I take you out tomorrow? After your detention with me we can go and hang out together. Maybe at the movies.
- I'll see, um.. so what do we do for the 50 minutes we have left?
- Hmm, we can talk I'd love to know if you like coffee or tea, your favorite, and how you like it.
- Of course.. can I have your phone number please?
- Mhm.. give me your phone.
Saturn pulls out her phone and unlocks it, opens phone app and hands it to Kai.
- I won't lie.. the day that I saw you getting flirted with by that kid Ryan... made my blood boil. ... I know this is bad to say but I'm glad you got in trouble again.
- You saw me and .. Ryan?
- Yes I was grabbing copy paper and overheard him. He left before I could say anything so I just ignored it so you wouldn't feel some type of way.
- Oh... yeah he was annoying.
- Have a good night Saturn.
- Bye Kai.
- You know you can't call me that in front of the others...
- I know...
Kai gets closer and his breathing deepens. Kai pins Saturn to the wall and kisses her.
- Kai we're gonna get caught.
- I don't care.
Kai kisses Saturn again and pulls her in by her waist. Saturn wraps her arms around Kai and he picks her up and sets on her on the table.
- Kai I need to go.. what if a teacher walks in?
- Alright... if you care that much I won't do anything.
- Okay...
Saturn tries to get up, and Kai places his arms on each side of her.
- Can I look at you before you go?
- Fine..
Saturn blushes and looks away.
- So cute...
Kai kisses her cheek and stands up.
- Alright you can go love.
- Okay bye Kai.
Saturn scurries out and heads home.
[Kai: Tomorrow 4:45 we're going to a Coffee shop, then at 5:45 the movies. I hope you enjoy the day with me.]
[Saturn: Okay. Do you know what movie, and why the Coffee Shop?]
[Kai: Have you ever been to a coffee shop?]
[Saturn: I mean yeah but I would rather wait to taste test coffee...]
[Kai: Alright. That's fine, I'll let you know what movie tomorrow morning. Also try not to stare love.]
[Saturn: Was that last part really necessary Kai?]
[Kai: Yes love. It was. Now goodnight, I'm busy grading papers.]
[Saturn: Mhm have fun.]
I need to text Jayla because what the fuck just happened today.
[Unread Messages from Jayla: 6]
[Jayla: Why'd you ask?]
[Jayla: Wait how'd you find out?]
[Jayla: OMG DID HE TELL YOU????]
[Jayla: did you end up having detention with him??]
[Saturn: He told me to text you, then he told me about the note and read it out loud, and yeah I was with him in detention.]

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