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The Argo II was an impressive warship, fit for warriors. But on board there was chaos. Alex played with her new bracelet on the board of the Argo II while all around her chaos ensued. Annabeth was double and triple checking everything and occasionally told Alex to do something useful, but Alex was deep in her thoughts. 

She flicked her wrist and her new sword appeared in her hand. It wasn't too long and not too heavy either, it was forged from steel and celestial bronze by Leo as a birthday present for her fifteenth birthday. She even had him put three seashells in the hilt so she could call forth the sea. 

"Alex- babysit coach" Annabeth ordered and so Alex had to go restrain the war-crazed satyr from starting a world war III with the Romans. 

To be quite honest- Alex was scared of meeting Percy after seven years. She wasn't sure how he was going to react and she tried to script a "hey I'm your sister" talk which was a terrible idea. She had however reconnected with her mom. Safe to say there were a lot of tears involved.

On the stern quarterdeck, Leo rushed around like a madman, brushing his hair back ever so often, checking his gauges and wrestling levers. Alex stared at him as he worked through things, to others he might have looked like a mad man, but to Alex he looked absolutely amazing. Most helmsmen would've been satisfied with a pilot's wheel or a tiller. Leo had also installed a keyboard, monitor, aviation controls from a Learjet, a dubstep soundboard, and motion-control sensors from a Nintendo Wii. He could turn the ship by pulling on the throttle, fire weapons by sampling an album, or raise sails by shaking his Wii controllers really fast. 

Alex forced herself to look elsewhere, and saw Piper practising her charmspeak, while Coach tried to go to the ballistae again so Alex had to push him back. 

Then there was Jason, he stood at the bow on the raised crossbow platform, where the Romans could easily spot him. His knuckles were white on the hilt of his golden sword. Otherwise he looked calm for a guy who was making himself a target. Over his jeans and orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt, he'd donned a toga and a purple cloak—symbols of his old rank as praetor. With his wind-ruffled blond hair and his icy blue eyes, he looked ruggedly handsome and in control—just like a son of Jupiter should. He'd grown up at Camp Jupiter, so hopefully his familiar face would make the Romans hesitant to blow the ship out of the sky.

If Alex didn't know better, she'd actually respect him. But she remembered how not even an hour ago he was whining for his toga. She chuckled at the memory but stopped when she saw Annabeth looking at Jason with an apprehensive look. 

Alex understood how the blonde must have been feeling. Jason been part of Hera's forced "exchange program" to introduce the two camps. Her Most Annoying Majesty, Queen of Olympus, had convinced the other gods that their two sets of children—Roman and Greek—had to combine forces to save the world from the evil goddess Gaea, who was awakening from the earth, and her horrible children the giants.

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