Protect Her

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Eren P.O.V

Dad and I were on our way to one of his patient's houses. He wants to show me how to be a doctor like him when I'm older, but I think Mum just wanted me out of the house because I "cause too much trouble" when Dad isn't around.

Yeah, I get into fights but don't all kids? Now I'm far from the town in what feels like the middle of nowhere. Dad did say that there was a girl there my age I can make friends with. He said must play carefully because she's a girl and they don't like rough and tumble. I say bring it on! Girls can fight just as good! We're all big kids here, we can be fair about it, it's just playing. Sometimes I think he's just being a stick in the mud. That's adults for you. Always so boring.

"Now remember, Eren, be careful when playing with young Mikasa. I'm here for a check-up of a patient which means I do not want to add another to my list for the day" My Dad says sternly. As if I came with to just cause trouble. I don't do that all the time. But I look at him and nod in agreement. "I know how clumsy you can sometimes be so- "

Clumsy. CLUMSY?! "I'm not clumsy!!" I protest. Right as I do I stumble over a small rock poking out of the ground and fall flat. "Dammit," I whisper under my breath, but I wasn't quiet enough with that last bit.

"Eren! Would you use that language around your mother?" My dad exclaims, clearly upset with my word choice.

"N-no sir" I stutter still on my hands and knees on the ground. He looks at me with mild pity and amusement as he helps me off the ground, "sorry," I mutter. He gives me a small hug and checks me over. My knees are a bit scraped and my Dad sighs.

He too then lets out a sly note. "Dammit." My eyes shoot up and look at him. All I can think to do is scold him back. "Dad?! Would you say those words around Mum?" I give him a questioning look of wide eyes trying to look as serious as I can. With pursed lips, arched brows, the works. My dad just looks at me for a second and it feels like forever until we both start laughing. Second scolding avoided!

I do like spending time with my dad especially since he's either out visiting patients or working in the basement. I don't see him very often but when I do we have our fun moments. "Let me see your knees," he says, and I do so, sitting on the hard ground with that stupid rock laughing at me. I scowl at it. I stop when my dad opens his brown worn down briefcase. Mum was thinking about getting him a new one. She says it's older than me and I'm nearly ten! That's a really long time! I sneak a peek at the inside. The material covering of the case is coming away at the seams, but the bandages and tools inside look very clean in comparison. 

He pulls out a bandage, a cloth and that stingy stuff he puts in my cuts and scrapes. He says it makes the pain go away but I think it makes it sorer. He pours it on the cloth and swipes away at my knee. I hiss a little bit as I feel the stuff 'working'. Cleaning away the dirt and little bit of blood he then wraps me up with the bandage.

I don't get it. Usually, he wipes my knee and lets me go on my way but today he's wrapping me up a lot and it's really tight it kind of hurts. Maybe because we're far from home? After he's sorted me out, he picks me up and helps me to my feet. He closes and grabs hold of his briefcase too, offering to take my hand. I look at it for a second, look up at my dad and give him my biggest bravest smile. I gladly take his hand in mine. And it's not because my knees hurt, and I need to know he's here for me. I'm a big boy now. I can take a little cut or two. It's because I'm letting him know that I'm okay and that he doesn't need to worry. Yeah, that's it! As his only son I help him too! My knees so do not hurt, even a little bit...


Walking with these bandages wrapped tightly around my knees does make it hard to walk. I can't move them right. I feel like a baby learning to walk. It feels odd. My Dad notices and offers to carry me the rest of the way but I said "No thanks Dad, I'm almost ten remember? I can do it!" He smiles at me, and we keep walking a few steps more until he stops with his hand holding mine tighter.

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