Protect Him

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Mikasa P.O.V

It's been a while since Grisha and Carla had me move in. They treat me like their own daughter, like I was never not a part of their family. I'm happy here with them. 

Carla may not be Mama and she asks me a lot about her, but she's a mother to me none-the-less. She tried helping me with embroidery and some days we have a laugh when I show her how to do it. She gives it a try to make me happy and I appreciate it. Grisha is nothing like my Daddy, but he is a father to me too. He gives me regular check-ups and helps me with my "condition". I don't like to talk about it, and I don't plan to. I have the same illness Daddy had. Grisha tells me it's 'genetic', which he says means that it's a family illness. As sick as it sounds, it's one connection to Daddy I'll always have with me. I don't feel ill through, not how Mama would feel.

She would get a lot of dizzy spells and go faint. She was sometimes paler than usual, bruising more easily than most - going as far as scratches and cuts. She says she must have done it in her sleep, but she would always seem happy about it. "Don't worry. I'm surrounded by the people I love with wellness in our hearts. I couldn't be happier, my flower." It was weird to say the least but whenever Mama called me 'Flower' it made me feel loved: putting my mind at ease.

Grisha says he'll tell me when I'm older, but it feels like it will never come. I ask about Mama and Daddy, but he shuts down my questions. "Sorry Mikasa, it's too soon to discuss, go ask if Eren wants to see Armin. Some fresh air may do you some good," he would always say.

Every week when Carla would take Eren with her to the market for food, Dr Jaeger would sit me down at the table for an appointment. He would check me over physically and then ask me questions: the same he used to do for my parents. Most of them seem to revolve around food and eating habits. It was part of the session to test for any food aversions. Going through the typical food groups but what stood out was the part about meat. It's not necessarily an uncommon food but it's fairly pricey in Shiganshina. Most meat produce heads to the inner walls. If it wasn't for Grisha being a successful doctor, then I'm sure we wouldn't get it often - if at all. But every week without fail he has a collection of different meat from poultry to red meat. I do this instead of lunch while Eren and Carla get theirs in the town centre as they're already out and about. Dr Jaeger encourages me to try a bit of everything as he takes notes at my responses. It's very clinical but he says this is what his check up with Daddy was like. "We'll be doing just the same as last time, I'll take your vitals before and after each bite to see how your system reacts." I nod my head in response, and he continues, "First we'll go over the questionnaire again. Have you had any change in hunger patterns?"

I can hear Daddy with the same answers as myself, "no."

"Have you noticed yourself being pushed away from certain foods or food types?"

"No," I smile a little, it really is as if Daddy is sat with me answering in sync. I never realised how much I paid attention to Dr Jaeger's visits.

"Have you noticed yourself being drawn to certain foods or food types?"


"Have you experienced any changes to your sense of smell?" I can't hide my smile at this point, I can almost picture Daddy pulling faces to lighten the mood of the appointment. He was always messing around like that. Mama's face would spark a smile before she tried to be stern for the sake of Dr Jaeger's company.


"Are you just saying 'no' to every question I ask?" I'm trying not to giggle; I feel like I've floated into the memory now. We were so happy. At least I have these kinds of moments eternalised in my soul.


"Mikasa, are you listening to me?"

"No," I've come back from the dream and snap up, "I mean yes! Yes, I'm listening." He sighs and takes off his glasses before rubbing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. I may have drifted off further than I thought. I don't mean to make him feel like time is wasted.

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