Human Too

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The Training Corps. After Eren sacrifices himself for Armin. Mikasa struck with grief and in a rampage. A friend lost. Or so they thought.

Mikasa P.O.V

"A titan is still a titan." Jean is talking but I'm feeling too much to even process his words. I've just lost Eren. The sheer amount of blood alone is a lot to handle but I'm stronger than I was when I was just a girl. Titan blood and their bodies evaporate, humans do not, but I'm holding on. I can resist. Right now, Eren is all that's on my mind. He saved Armin but was so reckless in doing so. That idiot. He didn't have to do that, at least not in the way he did.

Between him being taken from me and watching this titan turn on its own... well I have no words. We all just stand there in awe watching its body begins to disintegrate into the air, it's being disappearing slowly but the steam rising with mild urgency.

Wait. Is that-...

"What is it?" Jean asks bewildered, but none of us reply. It can't be. No way in hell. What kind of sick joke is this?

The air in my lungs feels like it's being sucked right out of my chest. My heart feels like it's stopped for just a brief, painful second. My eyes light up as I notice him within the nape of the titan's neck, freeing himself from it.

No words, only action. I throw myself down off the rooftops, my 3DMG guiding me to him.

Armin calls, "Mikasa!" I don't look back. It's him, it's really him. That idiot, I thought we lost him!

As soon as my feet touch the ground I bolt as fast as I can over to the titan corpse where he's resting still somewhat embedded in its exposed muscle. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Gasping for air I can feel my throat burning from the steam, but I keep pushing forward until I have him in my arms.

I hold him tight, wide-eyed and afraid that this is all a dream. He's here in my arms, please let it be. I don't care if he's a titan or anything of the sort. I'm the last person who could judge him for that. He's always been there for me and I for him. I'll protect him and we'll get through this. I promised I would!

I press my ear up to his chest just to make sure and yes! His heart is still beating. He's alive and here. I take comfort in the steady beating of his heart. I can't smell his blood either. Finding tears threatening to spill I listen a few seconds longer and I can't hold them back anymore. The floodgates open and the final few moments send me.

I don't just find myself crying but I'm wailing now. Eren is now safe with me. I cry out in pain, sorrow and happiness all at once. The others come over to investigate and help me get Eren out of this thing and away to safety. Armin comforts me as Reiner and Bertholdt free him. Annie and Jean keeping on the lookout for other titans or even other soldiers.

We make our way up to high ground to be safe and all I can do is hold him and cry some more.


Armin P.O.V

It's Eren... He's regained the limbs he'd lost... I saw a titan swallow Eren whole. I saw...

The emotions of the past couple hours hit me hard, and I too begin to cry. I step closer to Eren and Mikasa and take his hand in mine. I thought I had lost my best friend and Mikasa... She nearly gave away her life at the news of the incident, risking it all over his death but here he is.

"What happened?" I squeeze his hand to reassure myself that he's here along with his arm. Regeneration? I know what I saw. It really did happen but somehow, he's back here, with us. Even if he survived being swallowed whole, his arm was severed. Now I'm holding his hand in mine still attached to his body.

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