💰 7 dollar 💰

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Hoseok p.o.v 

Shit , fuck , hell.

I rush towards the restaurant , yoongi was just about to leave '' oi! '' I shout.

He looks up at me and freezes for a moment

Was he crying!?

He shows me his gummy smile which made my heart do a little thing.


He then rushed to me

'' hoseok! You are here '' he said admiring my figure.

I rolled my eyes and put a hand over my face.

'' can we start with the date already? ''

I groan in annoyance.

He nods and holds my hand.

Who gave him the fucking permission to!?

He drags me in like a gentle man.





He ordered some kimchi for me.

'' thank you yoongi. '' I say as I look out of the window uninterested.

Yoongi answered back

'' why are you doing this? ''

I look at him

'' what!? ''

He stared at me like I had stolen his money

'' why are you here. On a date with me. ''

I freeze. Does he know?

'' Because I need it. ''

Yoongi glared at me

'' mother's surgery huh? ''

'' how did you know!? ''

What the hell.

'' I am good at money games jung , you said you need it not want it. ''

He is clever ain't he?

Well so am i.

Money | Sope , Yoonseok Where stories live. Discover now