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Hoseok p.o.v.

‘ click here to see suga's face reveal ! ’

he did a face reveal!? Oh my god oh my god. I had been waiting for this fir about I don't know how long. I click upon the link.

I scroll down like a normal human being ignoring the written shit. Ugh ,, another scam. Fucking shit.
I pout,, it's not fair. '' nothing is fair in love and war jung. '' I flinch by the sudden quote piping up. There stood a min yoongi in a jump suit. I burst out laughing '' you look like my grandpa! ''

Yoongi frowned '' just shut it. '' with that i snickered like a hyena. '' So like what are you doing here!? This early '' Yoongi checked his phone '' Oh to go to my part time job– duh! A morning walk. '' oof ,, of course!

Yoongi stared into my soul and asked " Can I get your number hoseok? '' What?? my god. I roll my eyes and nod '' ALRIGHT ,, no. you give me your number. ''

why did I just– say that! Aish I am dumb.

'' Alright love. '' yoongi goes on and types in his number and places a kiss on my hand '' Alright I'd be going now ,, bye '' He gave me a wink and leaves.

What the fuck.

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