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Hoseok p.o.v. 

Yoongi made me anxious.

I nod listening to yoongi talk about his hobbies , '' I love composing music you know and write lyrics ! '' I nod '' I love dancing '' I reply trying not to step over any cracks. Because if you do you would break your mother's back and my mom is already in the hospital.

I suddenly got lifted up.

'' Hyung what th- ''

'' shh..hoseok I know your afraid of stepping on cracks and well there are alot when we cross the street so it's better if I walk you there ''

I got extremely akward , knowing that he didn't knew I was uncomfortable with this yet he struggled but lifted me , soon enough we crossed by it and he put me down.

He was panting yet smiled I questioned
'' what about your mom? '' he shows a sad smile '' she is not in this world , so I guess I can step on cracks. ''



Why did I ask. I face palm myself in my mind , I feel way worse towards this dude now. '' Oh..I am so sorry yoongi..''

He smiled

'' hoseok we are perfect for each other you know. ''

I pause , how?  Is this dude kidding me.

'' yet so different. ''

I hm along ,, yes we are.

'' your mom is ill , so is my dad. my mom is dead so is your dad. ''

How did he get so much information about me?.. what a creep.

'' I have mastered in reading facial expressions and mind illusions too hoseok , oh and I have connections. ''

It's probably just his daddy's money.

Whatever it is I hope he and I work out

Wait what did I just think!?

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