Chapter 4

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Time Skip – After 3 Days

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Time Skip – After 3 Days


Walking to my classroom, a familiar voice reaches my ears.

...: Tae, why do you always act this way?

The voice is unmistakably Jimin's. 

Intrigued, I decide to eavesdrop.

Tae: What do you mean?Kook: He's asking why you're always rude to Y/N.Tae: Jungkook...Jin: I've been wanting to ask you the same thing, Tae.Tae: I just don't like her.Namjoon: Why?

Tae's sigh carries a mix of emotions.

Tae: Because she is rich.

Suga: Seriously? Is that a reason?

J-Hope: Yeah, what's your issue if she's rich?

Tae: That's the issue. Rich people are all the same. They hurt others without a second thought, always prioritizing money over feelings.

Jimin: Tae, what are you trying to say?

Tae: When I was a child, my aunt caused a lot of pain to my uncle. She was wealthy, but he wasn't. They got married out of love, but their love turned into resentment due to money. Financial struggles plagued my uncle's family. Eventually, they divorced. My aunt married a wealthy man, but my uncle spiraled into depression and committed suicide. (tearing up) That's why I despise rich people. They care more about money than others' emotions. Just drop it. Don't bring this up to me again.

Listening to his story, my heart aches for him. He experienced such hardship at a young age. Lost in my thoughts, I make my way to class.

Time Skip – After 2 Weeks

Exams are looming ahead, stealing away the carefree atmosphere. We're gathered in the cafeteria.

Jennie: Ugh, why do exams have to ruin everything?

J-Hope: Seriously, I wish exams would just disappear.

Y/N: Exams are important for our future, though.

Jimin: True, but you're already rich, so why worry? Just chill.

Kook: Yeah, I'm with Jimin on this one.

Tae: Yeah. You're wealthy. Why even study here? You could just work in your family's company.

His expression is serious, his words cutting through the conversation.

Jin: Tae.

Tae: Hyung, we're all from average families, but she's from a wealthy one. We're studying for our future, but she doesn't need to. She can have whatever she wants without struggling.

I understand the underlying pain, Tae.

Y/N: You're right, Tae. But I want to enjoy my studies, achieve good grades, and work hard for my future CEO position. I want to succeed through my effort. So, I'm preparing from now on to ensure my success.

I respond politely, but he simply looks away.

After eating, I decide to have a conversation with Tae.

Y/N: Guys, you can go ahead. I'll catch up after having a little talk with Taehyung.

They agree and leave the cafeteria.

Y/N: Let's talk on the rooftop.

We find ourselves on the rooftop

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We find ourselves on the rooftop.

Tae: So, what did you want to talk about?

Y/N: Um, Tae...

Tae: Spit it out. We have a class soon.

Gathering my courage, I take a deep breath.

Y/N: Tae, I... I love you.

Tae: What? What the hell are you saying?

Y/N: It's true, Tae. I love you.

Tae: But I don't. So stop your feelings from growing.

His words are harsh, his tone final. With that, he leaves me standing there.

Y/N: What else could I have expected? I knew you'd say this, but my foolish heart wanted to hear it from you.

Tears prickle at the corner of my eyes, a mix of frustration and heartache swirling within me.

------to be continued-------

Published: 07.06.2021


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