Chapter 15

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I was overjoyed to be at the orphanage, surrounded by the kids. Their innocence and happiness always managed to bring a smile to my face. I approached the head of the orphanage, affectionately called Grandma.

Y/N: Grandma, how are you?

Grandma: Oh dear Y/N, I'm doing well. It's lovely to see you again. Why haven't you visited us in so long?

Y/N: I apologize, Grandma. Work has been keeping me busy. But from now on, I'll make sure to come here regularly. How are all the children?

Grandma: They're doing well, dear. They've missed you a lot.

One of the older boys, Jack, came running to me and hugged me. I embraced him warmly, cherishing the familiarity.

Jack: Noona, is that you?

Y/N: Yes, Jack. How have you been?

Jack: I'm good. Why haven't you visited us in a while?

Y/N: I'm sorry, Jack. But I promise to visit more often from now on. Where are the others?

Jack: They're inside. Come, let's go.

We entered the building, and the kids rushed to me, surrounding me with their affectionate hugs. It warmed my heart to be among them again.

Mia: Unnie, I missed you.

John: Noona, how are you?

Y/N: I'm fine, my dear ones.

Their presence filled me with joy and a sense of purpose. Eunwoo suggested going to the park for ice cream, a thoughtful idea to lift their spirits. His thumbs-up gesture assured me he was trying to make this day special.

Eunwoo: Why don't we go to the park and eat ice cream?

The kids agreed enthusiastically, and we headed to a nearby park

At the Park

We strolled for a while and spotted an ice cream truck, much to the delight of the kids. 

Their excitement was infectious, and we joined them in getting ice cream. 

settled on the grass, enjoying the treats.

While savoring my ice cream, I noticed a familiar figure in the distance. 

Taehyung was hugging a girl. 

My heart wavered, torn between hurt and confusion. 

Was he lying when he claimed to love me? 

My thoughts spiraled, and I questioned his actions. 

Why would he push the girl away if he loved her?

I realized I was overthinking and turned my focus back to my melting ice cream. 

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