Chapter 17

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Taehyung Pov

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Taehyung Pov

I couldn't stand the wait any longer, so I excused myself from the restaurant and stepped outside to calm down

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I couldn't stand the wait any longer, so I excused myself from the restaurant and stepped outside to calm down. I knew I had to find a way to cancel this arranged marriage; I wouldn't give up on Y/N without a fight.


As we entered the restaurant, my mother greeted her friend with a warm hug. I followed suit, bowing respectfully. We took our seats, and the conversation flowed. Eventually, my mom asked about the son of her friend.

Mom: Umm, where is your son? 

Taehyung's Mom: Oh, he's right over there... Ah, there he is!

I turned to look, and there he was – Taehyung – with a mixture of shock and amusement on his face. He burst into laughter upon seeing me. What was wrong with him? Why was he laughing?

He made his way to our table and took a seat opposite me, still trying to suppress his laughter

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He made his way to our table and took a seat opposite me, still trying to suppress his laughter. Taehyung's mother introduced him as her son, Taehyung. I was in shock. Was he the son of my mom's friend? The situation became more surreal when they began talking about our marriage.

Mom: When should we arrange their marriage? (I choked on my food) 

Taehyung's Mom: Be careful, dear. (She patted my back) 

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