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Kokichi looks at the ground as he and Shuichi cuddle on the closet floor. "...Kokichi why are you crying?" Shuichi asks without even looking at the other. "I don't know..." "..." Shuichi nods and picks Kokichi up taking him to the couch. Shuichi sits down holding Kokichi on his lap as he hands the boy a DS. "...You know me too well..." "It's what I'm here for." "..."


PublicRelationsDirector: Maki roll

CommissionerOfSpirit: Avocadhoe

President✨: Hoekichi

Secretary: Toaster~kun

CommissionerOfCommunityService: Himi

VicePresident✨: Angie


VicePresident✨: @President✨ Kokichi I have some things I need you to look over. They are some class plans for the party before the summer break.

President✨: Hey Angie Kokichi is taking a break rn.

VicePresident✨: Rantaro?

CommissionerOfSpirit: What?

VicePresident✨: Oh shit your shuichi?

President✨: Yeah :>

VicePresident✨: I mean- Ok- keep him safe ig-

President✨: I planned on it.


"Who was it?" "Angie. She has some paperwork for you to do." "...Oh, ok, I should go then." "I told her you were taking a break for a while." "Oh, Thank you." "mhm." Kokichi leans back against Shuichi's chest playing animal crossing on the ds.

After a bit, they go nighty night while they hug.

~10:00 at night.~

Shuichi wakes up with a yawn looking down to see the small boy still in his arms. Shuichi sighs and nudges Kokichi. "Kokichi, your contacts need to come out." Shuichi says making the boy shift and sleepily open his eyes. "What time is it?" "...10:00. Wanna stay over?" Kokichi drowsily nods. "Ok go to the bathroom and get your contacts out. I will find you something to wear." Kokichi just simply nods and walks to the bathroom. 

After a few minutes, Shuichi knocks on the bathroom door. "I have a hoodie for you." "Thanks." Kokichi says opening the door and stealing it quickly closing the door again after.


Soon enough Kokichi comes out and waddles over to Saihara who was already laying down and checking the group chat. Kokichi crawls over and lays next to Shuichi snuggling up to him. "Pfft- Are you feeling alright?" Shuichi asks rolling to his side and hugging the boy tightly. Kokichi nods. "...I need to talk to you tomorrow." "Alright. Get some sleep."


A/n. jdnfjnajdnfsdj don't hate me- I may make an oumami version if y'all want but like- I liked the idea of Tsumugi changing fate constantly.

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