chap 1

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no one pov:

It was a very calm night acctualy to calm in konoha the hidden leaf villige .Madara just came back from his work with hashirama the first hokage but when he walkd in the livingroom he droped evreything from his heands ,he save that someone stabed troth his wife's (naruto's) heart ,even if he save in the war bettven senju and uchiha meny killd bodys that did hurt him but it didn'T hurt so mutch when you see your wife stabbed in his heard hutt him more then enything.

In the next morning was narutos funeral all the villigers wher sad and wher craying naruto was ther hope ther sun and happienes  but for madara was he a loving wife and his happienes and hope , to be shookd even tobirama came to his funeral " Naruto Uchiha Uzumaki the wife of madara Uchiha and a vise freand of my he was a brave shinobi and a nice person ,Today we all togehter are having the great memories of or dear naruto." seed hashirama,the villigers putted on naruto's grave withe rosses evrey one was craying .

time skip (when naruto is 15)

kakashi's POV:

On or whey to suna we ran into kabuto and now we wher fighting ,but at the moment when i was abaut to hit him a box came out of the graund , after some sekonds the door of the box wher hited down and out of ther came a person..."Who deard to bring me back to life!?" yelld the person"i did it my name is kabuto i want you to fight them " kabuto seed and pointed at us, the person looked araund and stoped and looked at naruto ,"N-Naru...?Is that you?" asked the person but i coldent see the persond face it was masked , but when i was thinking wher did the person know narutos name ,naruto started to walk to the person " NARUTO GET BACK HEAR YOU BAKA !!!!" yelld sakura at naruto but naruto didnt lisent , when naruto was by the person he HUGT THE PERSON WHO WAS BROTH BACK TO LIFE!? " NARUTO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" yeld i

The strang person growd at me and what he seed shooked us all exept for naruto"HOW DEAR YOU YELL AT MY WIFE ! WHO ARE YOU TO EVEN DEAR TO DO THAT!?" Yelld the person at me ,"Don't worry he's my sensei hatake kakashi " seed naruto with a werry sweet voic what shooked us 'cuze he never talked so sweet

(Totoly not me laughing my ass of 'cuz they forgot kabuto was still ther XD)

"naruto whats going on hear and why is this stranger calling you wife?" asked i calmly , he looked at the man and seed " you wanna tell them ?" "sure honey" seed the person as he took of his hood i was shookd who it was and i was ready to fight

"let me intruduse my self i'm Uchiha Madara and i'm a legendery shinobi and naruto is my wife his name is Naruto Uchiha Uzumaki" seed now to know madara uchiha ,"THATS NOT TRUE THE DEADLAST COLD NOT BE AN UCHIHA AND YOUR WIFE " yelld sakura and sasuke at the same time "DO YOU GUYS REALY WANNA START A FUCKING 4TH GRAT NINJA WAR BY INSULTING THE  THE WIFE OF UCHIHA MADARA!!!" i yelld at sakura and sasuke and bowd to naruto and madara "im really sorry for the insultings my students gave , lord madara" i bowd agein and apoligeid "it's fine kakashi-sensei and dont you even dear to call me lord orr something like that! it makes me fell old " seed naruto " ! mada can my team stay at or old place!? PLS" asked naruto "I se still the energetic bloond who i knew and sure why not" seed madara .

after some treveling the got to and big hause

after some treveling the got to and big hause

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(like this one )

when they got into the hause

no one POV:

Well it was a wille since they wher hear so nothing really changed ." welcome to or house whell like home" naruto seed and mead and saml smile ."naru can you pls brake the genjutsu"seed madara "sure" after naruto broke the ganjutsu in fron of them was a boy with an light blue,purpel,pink kimano and long bloond hear down his back

"naru can you pls brake the genjutsu"seed madara "sure" after naruto broke the ganjutsu in fron of them was a boy with an light blue,purpel,pink kimano and long bloond hear down his back

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(thats the kimano)

anyways i will end it hear  i hope you liked my firs chapter of this storie

if you have some questions or recuests the fell free to comment

well i wisch you a good day afternoon or night

(and sorry for my grammer and spelling mistakes)

kabuto: ya know you just forgot abaut me

me:i dont care now go back to your boyfreand

kabuto: who i dont have aa boyfreand what are you talking abaut?!

me: bish its orochimaru-sama now go back to your boyfreand and dont annoy me!

me: anny ways bayyy

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