A deranged monkey on steroids

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I was heading back to the bus later when a hornet took interest and began to follow me. I screamed and took off like a banshee as the bug flew after me. 

I was not paying any attention to where I was going and ran smack into a hard figure. I fell down hard backwards onto the black pavement and the hornet flew away and headed up in the air. "Oh shit! Are you okay?" A deep male voice asked as tattoeed arms scooped me into his arms. I looked down at my bloody hands and up to the voice. I saw a pair of famous blue eyes looking at me. "You took a hard fall honey." He lifted me up off the ground and helped me over to a table. "Let's see your hands?" His deep voice said as I looked up at the blue eyes. I blushed as I held out my shaking hands to the singer. He examined them and shook his head. "My name is Andy Biersack. Lead singer of Black Veil Brides. Let me get a first aid kit from our bus. I will be right back." He said as he walked away. I looked at my now bloody hands and scraped skin. I saw bruises forming and dirt was on them.

He returned and set the kit beside me. "What is your name?" He asked as he opened the kit.  "Isabella." I said softly. I knew he would not be able to pronounce my last name. So I left it as Isabella. I watched him take a large paper square out and tear it open. He pulled out a cloth and tossed the paper away. "This is going to sting. I am sorry." He said as he gently laid the wipe on my hand and I winced. He looked up at me and back down. He cleaned my hands off and the dirt was gone and the blood was not as bad. 

"Good girl. You did good." He said softly as he threw that away. "I need to cut the torn skin away so I can wrap them. And it looks like you ripped your hand open here." He said as he quickly grabbed another square and tore it open. He held it onto my bleeding hand. I winced as a few tears dropped from my eyes onto his hands. He looked at me and brushed some hair away from his face. His hair was long and it was half shaved. He looked down at my hand and took off the cloth. It was soaked with blood. "Damnit!" He said as he looked around frantically. "You need stitches, come with me. I will get some towels from my bus. We have a hospital tent on the grounds." He said quickly as he tossed the first aid kit away and lifted me up. 

I looked around for my Master but I could not find him. The singer carried me to his bus and kicked on the door. It opened and a guy with black hair looked. "Give me some towels. This girl ran into me and fell backwards and cut her hand badly. She needs stitches." He said quickly as the other guy nodded and left and returned with towels. He walked out and slammed the door. "Which hand?" He asked as I held out my bloody hand. He winced as he grabbed it gently and held a towel down with pressure. 

Andy carried me as the other guy held my hand. "This is Lonnie. He is our new bassist. Lonnie this is Isabella." He said as Lonnie smiled a warm smile and held onto my hand. 

**Ashley's POV**

I saw her walking back to the bus and suddenly she began sprinting away. I saw a hornet chasing her and she suddenly ran smack into Andy and fell down hard backwards onto the black pavement. I began to walk when I remembered we had to perform. I kept my eyes on them as he carried her bridal style away. My heart began to pound as they headed towards the hospital tent and I lost sight of them. "Ashley! You ready to go man?" Keith asked as I nodded and looked back at him. He looked at me and his face grew worried with alarm. "Dude, you look pale. What happened?" He asked as I sighed a shaky sigh.

"I saw her walking back to the bus and then a hornet began to chase her. She ran smack into Andy and fell backwards and landed hard on the cement. He lifted her up and carried her. I lost sight and the next thing I know, they are hightailing it to the hospital tent with Lonnie beside them." I said weakly as he nodded and patted my back. 

"I am sure she will be fine. Andy will look out for her. I can send Olivia to check on her." He said as I nodded. "I know she is in good hands with Andy. Come on. We have a show to do." I said as he nodded and smiled. 

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