fifty one

41 2 0

Obsessed Much

Finn was all I could think about all night, all morning, and even now as I was supposed to be handing out pamphlets to the crowd that had gathered for the second day of Mr. Rowe's campaign rally.

Images Finn's dimples, Finn's smile, Finn's chest, Finn's hands all over my body, Finn making me scream, Finn inside me plagued my vision every time I blinked and I was becoming flustered, my cheeks ruby red and my chest rising and falling rapidly as I tried to think about literally anything else aside from Finn's naked body.

It wasn't working and, to make matters worse Finn appeared, like magic, over my shoulder. As is he could somehow read my thoughts.

His voice was low and sensual, his breath fanning against my neck, his lips gently grazing against my skin as he spoke. 

"Don't turn around" He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine and I jumped at the feeling of his tongue daring to dance across the base of my neck without shyness. 

I gulped back the lump rising up in my throat, my breathing growing more erratic than before, as I licked my lips, preparing to speak. 

"W-what" I cleared my throat in an attempt to sound like I had a grip on my emotions.

I didn't.

"What are you doing over here?" I whispered back, giving an innocent tight lipped smile to the man I had just handed a pamphlet. He eyed Finn warily, the confusion in his eyes clear as he turned around to waddle away. 

"Passing out pamphlets." Finn said matter-of-factly "Obviously." 

There was a sliver of silence, in which the only sound that could be heard was the crashing of the waves against the shoreline, Mr. Rowe's echoing voice preaching to his attentive crowd, and the the occasional cheer or chant from his procession before Finn spoke again, and I wasn't prepared for the words that came out of his mouth next.

"I can't stop thinking about you." 

I think I was swaying on my feet, and my blood became ice in my veins, completely frozen and immovable. 

"About last night." He continued, and suddenly all the things he had made me feel a little under twelve hours ago were resurfacing. "And how you begged and moaned my name."

I glanced up at Mr. Rowe on the small black platform that served as his makeshift stage. He was lecturing again, though I had no idea about what, but the audience was eating it up. None of them paying attention to Finn and I behind them, his tongue dancing against my skin, or his dirty words.

"About how I fucked you."

I tried to keep my face as placid  and my voice as steady as possible, and I opened and closed my mouth a thousand times over again before I finally regained the courage to speak.

"Obsessed much?" I joked, plastering a fake smile on my face in attempt to mask the lust that had overtaken my body, though I would be lying if I said the idea of Finn taking me right here and now in front of all these people didn't turn me on a little bit. 

I could hear him chuckle to himself behind me.

Maybe he really could read my thoughts. 

"I mean come on." I drawled, handing out two more pamphlets to a middle aged couple in bathing suits, who regarded Finn as if he were wearing a fur coat in the dead of summer. 

"Surely you've hooked up with girls better in bed with me."

"Well." Finn hummed behind me, and I could hear the smirk in his voice as his fingers brushed against my neck, sweeping my hair to side. "I haven't exactly gotten you in bed yet." He said, placing his lips to the skin of my shoulder blade once, twice, before pulling back, his lips at my ear again as he muttered "Have I?" 

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