twenty one

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I think I had a problem. I hadn't mean to stalk Toby's Instagram, I was just curious, and that curiosity just happened to lead to me scrolling all the way to the bottom of his timeline.

It wasn't creepy, people stalked their crushes social media all the time and it wasn't stalking. I was just making astute observations.

I was zoomed in on a particular picture of his shirtless sweaty body on the soccer field when Finn decided to make an appearance, and I nearly dropped my phone at the sound of his voice and the sight of his face peering over my shoulder.

"Isn't he on the soccer team?"

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, clutching my chest and swatting him away from me. He didn't move. "What are you doing, you're supposed to be in front of the cash register."

"And you're supposed to be helping the customers." He rebutted, his eyes not even trained on me, but instead on my phone still lit up in my hand with a shirtless picture of Toby.

"Why are you stalking Toby." He pointed at the phone and I quickly shut it off, placing it face down on the counter, embarrassed.

"Just because I wrote you a nice note to cheer you up doesn't mean we get to be all buddy buddy now" I told him, crossing my arms over my chest. "You're still an asshole and I still don't like you."

"Ohhhh" Finn's face seemed to light up, his eyes twinkling. I didn't like it.  "Do you like him or something?"

I could feel my face starting to heat up and I prayed that I didn't resemble a ripe tomato, or worse, the butt of a baboon.

"Am I talking to myself?"

"So you're into the soccer boys then." He pursed his lips together with a laugh. I felt like I was being made fun of.

"You clearly have a type" He rolled his eyes. "Personally, from my experience at least, I think they're bigger douchebags than the football team. I mean look at the one you hang out with Caleb."

"His name is Callum." I corrected him.

"Call him whatever you want, he's still a douchebag."

"Maybe to you!" I exclaimed pointedly. "Because he, like me, doesn't like you very much."

"It comes with the territory."

"The territory of what?" I asked. "Constantly being a dick for no reason?"

His demeanor seemed to change instantly, his eyes falling and I almost felt bad for him, almost. 

"I apologized." I could see his jaw clenching and un-clenching. God, he was so dramatic.

"Yeah and I still haven't forgiven you."


Did this boy really just ask me why I haven't forgiven him after he yelled in my face twice?

"Because Finn." Maybe I would just have to explain things to him like a child, since he loved to act like one so much. "You can't just do shitty things and expect people to automatically forgive you just because you say you're sorry. That's not how it works in the big boy world."

"What do you want?"

"What?" I echoed him. "What do you mean?"

"What will it take for you to forgive me." He continued. "I can get you anything you wa-"

"Are you serious?" I cut him off.


The fact that he genuinely didn't understand what was wrong with what he just tried to do spoke volumes against his character. I hated to say it, but I understood what Yara and her mom were talking about now. It seemed like Finn was used to using his money to do everything for him, he didn't know how to survive without it.

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