USJ Take 1

220 6 13

7 years later

"Ok, this our stop, everyone, get off" A tired voice ordered, several girls in costumes started to exit the bus lead by a blue-haired girl who kept her hair ina tight back pony tail, wearing a full metal armor with the helmet in her arms, doing chopping motions with her arms ordering to form a line in front of the large circular building, they were met with someone waiting for their arrival.

"Welcome everybody to my training building, the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ!" It was the recuse heroine Thirteen, a woman in a bulky spacesuit, a few of the students were starting to fangirl, specifically, a brunette with a bob cut that framed her face, she wore a tight pink, white, and black suit design, guiding them inside explaining what they will be doing during the next few hours.

"I'd like to think that you are aware of how strong your quirks are, please keep in mind of that, that they're powerful and therefore dangerous, so for the duration of your training you will be honing your ability to hold back, but fret not, this is just to teach you to hold back, and be aware of your surroundings, after all, you still want to bring down the villain, just not the surrounding area"

That was when the doors shut abruptly behind them

"Hm? Thirteen, is this a new simulation?" The tired woman said with wary eyes, gripping the scarf around her neck and looking around."Not that I'm aware of, Eraserhead, this is something else, " Thirteen replied, looking around as well.

"Whoa! look, they even got fake villains, this will be epic!" A girl with red spiky hair, dark bandages that covered her chest, baggy pants and gears on her shoulders, said pointing down the stairs to a dark purple mist with people emerge from it "Those are real villains! Thirteen, protect the girls, " Eraserhead said, running down the stairs to confront the first wave of villains.

"Let us help Aizawa sensei!"

"Get back, we need to find a way to open the doors and warn the faculty of what's happening," Thirteen said, the girls complained and argued that they should help their teacher instead, but the purple mist began to appear up with them, two bright yellow eyes formed along within it "Hello, we are the League of Villains, and we are here to exterminate the Symbol of Peace, All Might," The mist said shocking everyone.

"Like hell you are!" A girl with sandy blonde hair, in a green and orange colored suit with a bunny like mask, and metal piece that covered her mouth, said charging at it with explosions emitting from her hands, alongside her was the redhead with hardened arms.

"No! Get back here! We don't know what they can do!" Thirteen called out to them but fell on deaf ears, before either of the girls could land a hit with the mist villain she created several portals taking a majority of the girls and spreading them all across the USJ.

Meanwhile, with Eraserhead, she was dealing with the villains easily since they were low lives and thugs, the only concerning ones were the mist villain, the one with hands on her body, and the dark skinned, slim yet strong figure, a monster with an exposed brain, she was halfway done when she noticed that the other half were separating and going to the different rescue areas of the USJ, she was going to intervene a group when the hand villain spoke "Nomu, stop that bitch" She was suddenly slammed into the floor, causing it to break under the immense pressure.

When she went to look up and activated her quirk, she saw the huge villain over her. "What power! Even with its quirk erased... how can something be this strong without a quirk!?" She thought, getting her head slammed to the floor, removing the effect of her quirk on the monster.

Chaos seemed to be the theme going on all around the USJ, luckily the students found their way to deal with the villains they were against and made their way back to the center just in time to see their teacher in a pool of her blood with a monster over her "Hahaha! It looks like you girls beat my side characters, heh, but I want All Might. Maybe if I kill some students, she'll appear, " the hand villain said, looking over at the girls.

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