My Little Puppet Boy

112 9 4

TW: Manipulation, Minor Character Death, Drugging, Injury, Swearing



'What's wrong with you?' I yell as the red figure shoves past me into the bathroom of his apartment, 'I thought you would be happy.'

He slams the door tightly shut, as I hear a crash as he smashes his beer bottle into the wall around him. I lean my back to the door, sliding slowly to the floor, my zapper and gun dropping out my hand to lay beside me. 

'D - D - Don't talk to me - just d -' Grey chokes from behind the door, he's crying and of course, I feel fucking bad now. It's my fault - I'm the shit friend.

'Grey, I'm -' I stop myself - am I really sorry though? He knew my plan - it was his fault for not being strong enough to go through it properly. I guess I'm not sorry, but in this situation, he doesn't need to know this.

'Blake, stop.' He bluntly says taking a shaky breath, trying to sound pissed off despite his broken mood, 'I c - can't w - with you, r - right  now.'

I remain in silence - he'll come around to the idea in a while, I just need to give him time. My eyes drop to the zapper in my hand, slightly scuffed and bloody, not originally how I had lent it to Henry in the first place.  Of course, the blonde had dropped it many times on our first missions, it was a different style to the one he had when he was kid Danger, understandably it was a lot to get use to. But even in his final moments a couple days ago, he had managed to still be as pathetic as he was when I first met him.

I didn't know how I felt about Henry dying in front of  me like that, well, I did clearly no how I felt about it seeming I still held his broken zapper in my hand. Bitter sweet, not in the way that I thought I would originally feel. From the start, I intended to kill him and discard his friends along the way, the plan of course was to lure Captain Man towards me. It was really never about the Blonde.

But of course as the showman I am, I had to put on a show, create fights and heists in town for us to stop as partners, forge a deep friendship just so that it hurt even more when the bullet was shot and the trigger pulled, get him so use to the town that he had just entered that he would die along with the embers that was once Dystopia. So I guess it does make sense for me to feel a twinge of sadness as I watched the light leave his eyes, as I watched him whimper out to his friend Charlotte as she walked away without a look back.

I never intended to be so attached to him, not as in as a friendship way but as a toy that I wanted to steal back from Captain Man. A position that so easily could have been mine, if fate hadn't had other plans.

I shove the zapper in my pocket and stare at Grey's apartment, its utterly messy and the windows shattered with glass smashed everywhere. His bed is tipped over, money sprayed everywhere, weapons, cash, anything that was once valuable stolen. I did tell him the drug had a powerful effect on people, I for one knew I had experimented with it for a long time. Not on myself of course, but on others...

It was supposed to bring out the worse in people, their nature instincts or more accurately their violent side. But that was what I guess lead us to this point...

'Y - You said you w - would leave them alone - it weren't supposed to end like this.'

I turn my head to smashed photo frames on the wall, none of particular interest other than of us two hanging around, our pool team at the bar, some random guy we use to hang with out. But one was missing, he had snatched it off the wall as he had stormed through the house.

Henry Danger: The T.R.U.T.H. about Dystopia Vol 3Where stories live. Discover now