See the Sun Again

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I found myself falling on to the couch as Ray shoves a cup of coffee into my hand. He sits down beside me, a cup between his hand as well,  frown spreading across his face.

'He'll be fine.'

'I know.'

After the police came it was all a blur, questions upon questions, ambulances and officers bombarding us. They wanted to know everything, which made sense but all I cared about was Jasper. He lost a lot of blood but he would recover - it was a good thing Piper had contacted them so quickly, if not we could have been in a worse situation.

The truth was out and so that meant Ray too.

And now it was us two alone again for the first time in quite a few busy days - I was only yesterday he had been locked up in the first place.

'You did it , kid. Just in time as well - the Danger Force was only just about to get overwhelmed.' He chuckles to himself noticing my saddened appearance. His hand squeezes my shoulder, his touch warm and confident. 'I'm proud of you, Henry.'

In a swift movement he pulls me into a hug, the bad blood that remained melting away, after all we deserved a happy ending, didn't we? I found myself sobbing as I burrow my head in his shoulder, and I swear I can hear sniffles as I break away.

'Swellview will be forever in debt to you - not only as the Dark Falcon, Kid Danger but also as Henry Hart...'

'I guess that's all out there now, isn't it?'

'Yeah... and let's keep it that way.' Ray stays picking up his tea again. I raise an eyebrow at him, 'The Blake kid was right, we put ourselves on the front force everyday but no one knows who we are - he's right having a secret identity will be something that's always holding us back - it will always be something that keeps us from risking it all. I don't want to hide behind a mask anymore.'

'Me neither, Dystopia deserves a hero that is honest with its citizens from day one.'

Ray smirks down at me, as he turns his head to the security cameras plastered on the wall, several of the inside of the Man Cave as well as that of the town laid out in front of us.

'So, you're going back?'

'Yep, Swellview's already got a group of heroes, it doesn't need another one - but maybe Dystopia needs just that to protect it.'

He nods smiling to himself as my eyes follow his gaze to the screen were I can see the Danger Force teens scrolling through the streets. They have learnt a lot, they did have the best teacher after all.

'About all those months ago at the car park, Henry, that was stupid of me - you know I didn't mean it like that -'

'I know, Ray.'

'I didn't mean to hurt you, and Kid, I don't care who you like - boys, girls, whatever - that doesn't change a thing,' his attention back on me,' I just wished I told you that sooner.'

'I appreciate it a lot, man,' I say punching him lightly in the arm as my eye catches Charlotte on the building's balcony staring off into the distance. Ray follows my eyes, smirking to himself.

'You should talk to her, we can catch up properly another day, Kid,' He laughs jokingly pushing me that way.

'Okay, see you in a bit.'


I lean on the railing next to her as she slides her fingers between mine.

Henry Danger: The T.R.U.T.H. about Dystopia Vol 3Where stories live. Discover now