part 25

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Days have passed since our last trip to San Diego. Em and I were both preparing everything to finally free his family. "Are you we can do this?" Em asked from behind me. "I'm sure. Our plan is simple and will work. I'm sure of it."  As I spoke he had this sad look in his eyes. "But what if we don't." He said glancing at me.

I grabbed his hands firmly. "Look, I know you have your doubts and I know you really want your family back, but in order to do that you're gonna have to trust me. I do this for a living, Emmy. I know what I'm doing." I kissed him quickly and grabbed his hand. "Let's go get your family back."

The drive was quiet. Our conversation from the other day was running through my mind. 'was I ready to have a kid?' I'm sure I could do it with the help of Em and Zak and the others, but I'm not so sure now. I know that's his dream, but I don't know if I'm ready for that.

Em looked over at me and placed his hand on my thigh. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asked mocking me slightly. "I'm just thinking about what you told me the other day." I said. "Oh." He responded. "Are you... Having second thoughts?" I shrugged. "I mean, I would love to have a child, but I don't know if I'm ready. That's a lot of responsibility." He smiled. "I know, but we could do it. I'd be there for you and so would your brother and the guys." He said.

I shook my head. "That's not what I'm afraid of." "Then what is it?" "I don't think I'd be a good mom." I said honestly. "You'd be an amazing mother y/n. It's gonna be hard and confusing, but we'll figure things out together." He said. I smiled at him. "Can I think about for a little bit longer?" I asked. "Of course." He said leaning over and kissing my head.

When we got to Em's old house I burst through the door and turned in my spirit box. "Alright you undead asshole! Where are you?" I yelled into the empty living room. Soon enough Philip's ghost appeared right in front of me. "You've come alone?" He asked. "No. I've got your son with me." I said. He got much angrier when I said that. He lunges for me and I ran back to the car where Em stood. "Get in, get in, get in!" I screamed. I hopped in and immediately went towards the cemetery. I could see him floating behind us.

I felt the car being lifted slightly and being thrown against the road. "What is it with spirits and trying to kill me with my car?" I exclaimed. When we got to the cemetery all of the graves had activity going on. Rocks were rustling around Remington's, birds were all around Stephanie's, and a small dist storm was brewing around Sebastian's.

We got out of the car all three of their spirits were there. Standing together. You could see the stab wounds and slits in their bodies. It was beautiful yet grotesque.

When Philip caught up with us he saw the spirits of the people he murdered all of those years ago. Fear was the only emotion readable on his face. "Well, are you happy with yourself?" Stephanie asked her once husband. "Look what you did to us! All because you never loved us. So much so you had to go to brothels every night." Stephanie and her son's held nothing but anger in their faces.

"I loved all of you!" He exclaimed. "Bullshit! If you loved us you wouldn't have murdered us! You're not my father! You're a monster!" Remington was yelling to the point you could see the veins in his neck. They were becoming more human. They yelled at each other for a while before we all witnessed Philip's ghost disappear before our eyes. The same way James disappeared when Em faced him.

After that all of their wounds disappeared. They became fully human once again. Em and I looked on in utter amazement. His eyes were full of tears.

His mother and brothers then looked at him with the same tear filled eyes. Stephanie opened her arms and Em fell right into them. His older brothers joined in on the hug. This was on of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

They all looked up at me with tears now streaming down their faces. "Thank you." They all said at the same time. "Don't thank me. It was my pleasure. Thank Emerson. He was the one who thought all of this out. He was not going give up until he freed you.

"You're a special girl, y/n. You have my gratitude." Stephanie said. "I think we should get back to LA. My brothers and his friends are never going to believe this.

By for now my loves

lonely asylum nights (an Emerson Barrett story)Where stories live. Discover now