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Warning: Mature content!

He was trembling as he slammed the bedroom door behind him, fingers slipping and fumbling at the lock.

But finally, Gulf was alone.

He'd faked his way through niceties with Jom before fleeing his neighbours' residence without so much as a glance in Mew's direction. Then, entering the would-be safe haven of home, was ambushed by a savage, hour long dining table scolding from his father regarding "disrespectful, irresponsible and downright immature behaviour" - bruised face hung in dutiful deference.

As punishment, the sufferer was ordered to complete that imminently due assignment under the stern watch of his parents - laptop transported downstairs to ensure he didn't "lose focus of the goal posts again", it had been sniped.

So it was many, many hours and a sunset later, that Gulf finally found solitude. And once he had it, he found he didn't want it after all.

Thoughts whisper louder when alone.

He switched on the television mounted above his desk and sat down on the edge of the bed, a vague aim of burying himself in the escapist action of a football match. But there were only J 1 League games airing, and his attention was soon drifting...back to that room...

That thumb dragging along his lips, the tickle of hot breath on his cheek, the way his own cock had woken to rise like a field of sunflowers tilting heads hungrily towards the desired Sun. Not desired, required. Photosynthesis.

Delicate butterflies in shades of sparkling jewels had pirouetted about his insides whilst Mew tended to his wounds - naked, muscular, honey-toned chest between Gulf's legs as he knelt before him. Had he never looked clearly upon that body before that moment?

And now it was all that occupied the younger man's mind, as he moved an inevitable hand to fondle and stroke beneath the tightness of his own elasticated boxers. Fantasies of Mew Suppasit dragging down his shorts to nuzzle into his lap, trailing kisses up his inner thigh towards that natural apex, at which point he would wrap his lips around his Nong's cock and suck him until he shuddered.

Gulf struggled, tutting in exasperation, to redirect such mental wanderings. Steered himself towards past sexual encounters, put all of his effort into transforming the imagined man's mouth on his cock into that of Blackpink's Lisa or Rosé, or Kitty Chicha, or any one of a multitude of juvenile celebrity crushes.

But the more he fought, the more firmly the conflict entrenched - that internal fault line at which two of Earth's deep plates have broken apart to clash and judder violently against one another until seismic energy bursts to the surface in devastating earthquake. Gulf was the epicentre. Grasping out towards the craved release of ejaculation to calm the surface quake. That release dancing mockingly away, withdrawing further and further from his reach until he could go on no longer - the skin of his cock a furious, flaming red - as he flung his head back down onto the bed beneath him in frustration.

Prickly, irritable, flushed and hot and unsatisfied. The four walls around Gulf were closing in, threatening, creeping and looming until, suddenly, he needed to get out of there. He needed to be free, to be outside in the air.


Even through the musical soundscape of his ear buds, Mew sensed a change in the air around him as Gulf entered the garden. Turning his head from the hammock on which he lay - stretched out between the sunrise painted tulip flowers of the two oldest Kae Sad trees on the Jongcheveevat land - he watched in stunned silence as the younger man stormed out across the expanse of his own yard, to kick a foot in repeated, wild aggression against the meshed metal frame of the fence that separated their realms, startling nesting birds in the trees around into flurries of wings and hasty evacuations in the process.

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