A Firey Blaze!!

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  We then slowly fade back into the scene to see that Overcast, Tony, Snowdrop and Athena were all calmly sitting under a
  shaded tree on a red and white checkered blanket in the middle of The Meadows on a warm, sunny afternoon. A galactic
  two-tiered strawberry funfetti cake with slices already cut out of it sat in the middle of them with a large bowl of chocolate chip
  cookies made by Snowdrop and a gallon of milk in a glass jar that was a bit empty resting at the sides. "MAMA LOOK'IT ME, I'M
  UP IN 'DA TREE!!!!!" Alex loudly exclaimed from above. Causing his family to all look up at him and see that he was dangling down
  from a low tree branch with just his forepaws as he'd look very proud and confident in himself. "Yeah y'look real awesome an'
  strong up 'dere kiddo but if y'want some'a ur dessert 'den y'best get down b'four we eat it awll!!". Overcast  playfully teased with
  an evil smirk as she was in the middle of fixing her son's plate up. "OKAYOKAY DON'EAD'IT YET, I'M GETTIN' DOWN!!!!!!" he
  loudly replied before letting go of the branch and landing in a patch of blossoming dandelions with a thud and a little "oof-" as
  flurries of fluffy white seedlings poofed up from under him and
scattered around in all sorts of directions. Including all over the
  little pup himself which tickled his big nose and made him sneeze and blow away some more of those seedlings into the
  breeze. Then he'd innocently blink twice and look completely oblivious as his family all watched on looking amused and finding
  him to be very adorable. "Sick landin', kiddo" Tony sarcastically commented "YEAH I KNOW!!! IT WAS SUPER AWESOME!!" Alex
  enthusiastically shouted back before getting himself up from the field. "YOU BET'CHA SPORT!! Now get y'tail ova' 'ere!!" Overcast
  loudly replied "OKAYOKAY I'M COMIN'!!!" he quickly ran back over to them before plopping himself down right next to his
  mother. "Didja see how fast I went?!?!?" he excitedly asked with a big grin "yeah we did!! 'Dat losah brotha' of Storm's'd'cry if 'e
  was eva' racin' wit'chu, Al!" she praised with an even bigger grin as she'd ruffle his hair from under his party hat and made him
  happily giggle. "Yeah an' 'den I'd beat 'im up!!" he confidently replied "HAHAHA!!!! 'DATS MY B-".
  "OHMYGODSWHADAPPENEDTYAPAW?!?!?!?" Tony suddenly shouted in pure terror as he had witnessed Snowdrop taking off
  her own paw. "Wh- Tony 'dis is a prosthetic!!" Snowdrop replied rather loudly as her eyes were still wide from shock and her
  voice was filled with confusion. Tony blinked twice at this and raised a brow with a crease in his bottom lid "PROSTHETIC?!?!?!
  Snowdrop what d'heck 'appened t'ya?!?!" he asked with panic in his raspy voice as an anxious sweat would start to build up in his
  fur. The molly silently stared at him with pity in her eyes and the corners of her lips frowning "...not now, T-" "I BIT IT AWFF 'ER
  Overcast brutishly interrupted in a fiery rage as she bitterly glared down at the two of them with wrinkles in her big snout and
  a cold uncaringness in her eyes.

The two would uncomfortably stare right back. Eyes wide in
  shock of her harsh tone as the air drew stagnant and radio silent. Snowdrop hung her head towards the side with narrowing of her
  hues and a frown at the corners of her lips. However, Tony hadn't changed in the slightest. His mind simply just couldn't
  wrap around the thought of such brutality stirring up between the two sisters that used to be absolutely glued to each other
  when they were kids. And if it were up to him, he'd much rather not know what had happened in the first place just to not feel
  anymore guilty than he already does. "OVERCAST! Don't use such harsh words around your son. That is his aunt-" "SHADDAP AN'
  LET ALEX HAVE 'IZ PAWRTY YA NAGGIN' BUZZKILL!!!!" she aggressively interrupted in another raging tirade as smoke began
  to waft out of her. Clearly, Athena did not take this lightly and looked to be quite angered by her daughter's comment. However,
  all she would reply with was: "then continue, your highness" in a passive aggressive tone. "THANK YOU!" Overcast exasperatedly
  shouted as she tossed her paws up in the air and looked fed up with everything. "Now don'tawlk aboud'it an' eat. 'Dis ain't no
  awkwa'd Thanksgivin' dinnah" she scoldingly added with her muscular forelegs crossed on her fluffy chest. "Alright..." Athena
  quietly replied with a nod before they'd all go eerily silent and began to eat.

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