Chapter 32

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"We all ready to go?" Feyre asked, looking at us all.

When we all nodded Az vanished.

"Ivy, please don't get yourself killed," Rhys told me before we all winnowed to Dawn.

The dawn court was stunning, the palace shone in the sun light as we walked up to the meeting.

"You look radiant next to this palace love," Azriel purred in my ear, I swatted his arm before walking into the meeting room.

"it's good to see you all again," Thesean greeted, ever the host.

"I see we are last, sorry about the delay; it seems one of the males in my court enjoys polishing his siphons a little too much," Rhys replied, throwing a glare at Cassian.

"Well, you're here now," Thesean easily replied, gesturing to the remaining seats.

Being related to the High Lords I sat on his right, Feyre on his left with Mor then Cassian, Azriel was on my right as my mate.

"It seems another member of your court's newfound power has gone to her head," Beron hissed at me.

"I'm not entirely sure what you mean, I've been spending my time with my family, getting used to life without a war looming over my head." I told him, voice cold and hard.

"Yeah right, you must have flaunted your status at least once." Tamlin snorted.

"Just because that is what you would have done if you were me Tamlin doesn't mean I have done the same, over the past two weeks I have recovered from my explosion, spent time with my mate, and slowly gotten to know my family better, I don't know what you are insinuating by suggesting my power has gone to my head, but I have not and will not be using it unless absolutely necessary, have I made myself clear?" I asked, glaring at Tamlin then Beron.

"Ivy love, you are glowing again," Azriel told me softly.

I looked down and realised he was right.

"And I am still learning how to use my powers," I added, looking at Rhys to help me.

"Ivy's abilities are new, and we are helping her to figure out how they work but at the moment she is still learning, now, is there any actual point to this meeting or was it just to look at my niece some more, I know she is stunning but calling an emergency meeting really isn't necessary." Rhys said, squeezing my shoulder.

"I suggest we kill her, or at least strip her of her power, I'm sure Helion or Thesean could do that," Tamlin said, looking at both High Lords who looked appalled at the idea.

"If you ever suggest harming my family again Tamlin you will find yourself in a very tricky situation," Feyre growled.

"Just because my powers are unknown doesn't mean I have to be killed, I may hold power with my title but that does not make me a threat to any of you, all I want is to live out my life peacefully with my family, if you bastards can't see that then I suggest getting your head out for your ass," I hissed.

"How dare you!" Beron yelled at me, I just rolled my eyes.

"Your repetitiveness is beginning to get dull Beron, if all you want to do is insult Ivy and my Court then we are leaving, this was a massive waste of time." Feyre sighed, standing, the rest of us joining her.

"Thank you for having us Thesean, sorry it wasn't really worth the hassle," Rhys said before we winnowed back to the manor.

"Well, that was probably the shortest High Lords meeting ever," Mor said, grabbing a bottle of wine on her way to the sitting room.

"They really are annoying, aren't they," I sighed, gladly accepting the wine Mor held out to me.

"You have no idea," Rhys sighed.

Before another word could be uttered another letter appeared on the table.

"Do we not get a break!" I groaned.

Feyre opened it and read it over before handing it to Rhys.

"Looks like we are off to the Hewn City, Keir wants to meet the angel." Rhys said with a sigh.

"Well at least we are already dressed for the occasion." I said with a sigh, making everyone else laugh.

Ten minutes later Mor winnowed away to scare everyone while Feyre described the mask I would need to wear and the role I should play.

It seemed easy enough and before I was fully prepared for it, we were winnowing away. Again.

Azriel and Cassian walked in first, followed by Feyre and Rhysand.

I walked in once they had asked their subjects to stand, my light flaring and my wings spreading wide.

I turned at the bottom of the dais and stared over the crowd, my gaze landed on who I am assuming is Keir and I smirked at him.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"Keir, meet my niece Ivyana, the Shadowsinger's mate and angel of the Night Court," Rhys announced.

"She is a child!" He yelled, his outrage clear.

The light I had let dim returned once more.

"I am not more of a child than Feyre, now I suggest you listen to me because I will say this only once, the cauldron chose me to become an angel, I am powerful and I will not hesitate to use my power to make myself clear, I am not to be underestimated or you will face my wrath, and believe me, I can do a whole lot more than glow," I told him, frowning in distaste.

"Now that you have met Ivyana, she has some work to do for me, so let her go," Rhys said, Azriel walked to my side, and we winnowed back to the manor.

"He sucks," I muttered.

"That he does," Azriel laughed before I fell asleep in his arms, the strain of keeping my wings out and using my magic, even for that short period of time had wiped me out.


This is it for the main story, I will be adding bonus chapters as and when I find inspiration but right now, this feels right. 

The first bonus chapter will likely be short pieces of Ivy bonding with her new family but any suggestions of what you want to see will be welcome.

Thank you so much for sticking with me and reading this and I hope I have done unexpectedsavior proud with the ending of this book.

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