Author's note

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Finally this story has ended and I would first thank everyone who had been very supportive and loving towards this story. If I looked back from when this was first created, I would say that it had been 2 years since I first uploaded the first chapter of Hydrangea. Can you believe it? Already 2 years! Time flies wow! Throughout those years I received lots of questions about the story and its future so I'm going to answer to them all:

1. Where did the inspiration come from?
To be honest, I didn't really got an inspiration, but rather a determination to create story that would pull someone's interest. I created so many scenarios, but every single one of them had one theme in common and that was the mafia world. It was intriguing and suspenseful to keep the reader hooked.

2. Is there a connection to the abo world?
Yes! My first intention of this story was actually an abo genre which I loved so much. I didn't went through with that idea as I was not really sure if the abo world would be something the fandom accepted. I may have dropped the big layer of the abo world but some of the characteristics as the themes were kept in the story. Such as the Head Pack, the supernatural force and of course the moon, which played a big role in this story.

3. I love the way you write your smut. I've always wanted to start writing one, but I don't even know where to start...
Oh thank you so much! I must admit that writing the smut parts were much easier than the serious and angsty parts. I think the key to a good smut writing is to be very specific. First, I write the whole action as detailed as I could. You want the readers to imagine where the fingers touch, how the arms and legs move, their breathing. What are they even seeing, how is their heart beating. Anything I would imagine in that scene I would write it down. Second, I start to clean up. Remove the repeated words, change them into more appealing ones so that it's less repetitive. Third, I start to revision the whole thing. Is it imaginable? Can I see it in front of me? Are there any confusing parts that may break the flow of the steamy scenes? And so I keep doing this until I'm satisfied with smut scene. It's a lot of hard work, but i love writing it the most. I can only say that if you read your smut and you don't feel the right emotions then you should fix it.

4. Will Ohm and Fluke have children in the future and how many?
I think most readers have read "Sasithorn" by now haha. So, yes. OhmFluke  adopted a daughter who possesses a special power. And to answer the part of how many? Well, I originally planned to have them have two children (but that is actually an extra special story that would be released in the future hehe)

5. Will you write more about their world? I mean the regions are so interesting and I would love to know more about the other house leaders.
BounPrem's spin off will mention the remaining regions that I haven't talked about. In this story they will travel a lot and will meet lots of people including the other house leaders. I have so many things prepared for this spin off.

6. I can't wait to read the BounPrem spin off. When will it be released?
Right now, I try to schedule my writings. A have an irregular work hours, sometimes I have almost no time to even write a single word and other times I have 2 to 3 months vacation. There are still many aus ongoing of mine and would love to finish them first before I start with BounPrem's spin off. Like, I've said many times. The Hydrangea serie has a special place in my heart and I would rather release their story frequently and not to have the readers wait for months for a next update. (I will announce the start when you least expect it hihi)

7. I love Yellow Pansy so much. I've read it at least four to five times. Will you write more extra chapters or is this really the end?
As you can see, I have to stop the chapters somewhere, but that doesn't mean I can't release extra chapters in the near future. I do have ideas, but I just need to have time to sort them all out and write them down. So, yes. I will release an extra chapter in the future and a small spoiler is *whisper* a child.

8. Can we have more interaction between Sasi and OhmFluke? I love to read some domestic scenes. I bet it would be so cute.
You just described my special chapter...

9. May I just say that I'm so weak for dominant Fluke? I didn't know I would love it so much and I'm obsessed with the alpha vibes he emits!
You can't imagine how a sucker I am for mafia boss Fluke. I want him all for myself too, but I bet he would dispose of me as soon as possible... but Fluke has such a great presence in this story. I wanted to create a strong character that we weren't used to it yet and so i put on all the characteristics of a man that I'm so weak for.

10. I hope you can have rest too after working so hard providing us with such quality stories. I know you have so many things still planned for the Hydrangea serie and even though I am sad this story had ended I know for sure that you would give us many more special chapters and OhmFluke will appear in the other spin offs too. So, I'm not really sad as I will have so many stories to look out for. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that no matter how long it takes to upload, I will always wait for your update! Thank you so much for giving me such a masterpiece of a book. Su su na!
Aww, you are so cute. Thank you for thinking about my health. I had a hard time before as I was anxiously waiting and expecting good comments of each update. I must admit that it was difficult seeing some followers count dropped at a certain point, but as I kept writing and immersing myself in my own little world. I noticed that nothing of that mattered anymore. I have a much brighter and refreshing take on each update I gave. I said to myself that I should never be discouraged at how much people read or comment my story, but rather focus on the things you love. I love putting out my content and feeling happy to know that there are people reading my stories. Even though, they are quiet I can still see them by just a mere "vote" or "added to list" or "like" or "retweet". Of course I love it when readers comment and it helped a writer boost their confidence, but I also realised that we writers should not be dependant on it anymore. If you truly love writing then comments and followers' count don't matter anymore.

Again I would love to thank you all for reaching this part. You've done so well for keeping up with this story and be proud of yourself for reaching this point. It was a long journey, but a satisfying one.  Like I've said before, the main story has ended, but the serie not yet as I have still many extra chapter in draft, eager to be released. Just give me some time to sort them out and they will be released when you least expect it.

I love you all and have a pleasant day!

From: Chabie

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