Don't Worry, Or Should You? Pt.2

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(A/N:My friend told me a name for the girl. Her name is Alania, she's seventeen, she has long, dark brown hair, she also is shy when it comes to friends. Disworks high told me in person. So now I am just looking for a boy to write about.)

Recap:Merida, Flynn, and Aladdin saw....

{Pocahontas' P.O.V }

YAY!!! I'm getting out of jail in college semester. So is John Smith. For me, college year is next year. Same with Smith. I don't really have any friends because I don't like the people at my school. They are too.....spoiled.I still hope that my family doesn't know I am here.

{Li Shang's P.O.V}

We still haven't found Ana and Elsa. We are in the middle of nowhere starving to death. Snow White keeps whining about her feet, Mulan keeps falling asleep, and Cinderella is being scared to death.

"Listen, we have to find Els and Ana fast ok, so we have to spread out. Snow you go-

"Hey look over there, that looks like someplace where somebody would get kidnapped,"Mulan inturrupted. She walked to a little shed.

"Wait Mulan we don't know what's in there,"Ella squeaked.

"Oh please, it can't be that bad, trust me I took karate,"Mulan teased. We walked in and it was.....empty?

" this supposed to happen?"asked Snow White. I picked up a bow.

"Ana's bow!"I said. Mulan sniffed it.

"It smells like...chocolate fondue,"said Mulan. I rolled my eyes. It's definitely Ana.

"But we don't have evidence where Elsa is,"cried Ella.

Snow said,"Well I'm pretty sure Els was with Ana Cinderella,"

"Oh, right,"she sighed.

"Come on out the back door,"I said pointing.

{Tiana's P.O.V}

We haven't found them at all or any clues.

"Hey, hey, look, who am I?"Jasmine said. She put her hands all over her face. She looked like she is pretending to eat a lot of food.

"Oh...ANA!"laughed Rapunzel.

"Yup, "Jas laughed. Naveen found a girl.

"Hey, whose that?"he whispered. We shrugged. I went by her.

"Hello,I'm Tiana,"I waved.

"H-hey I am Alania,"she smiled.

"Well we are looking for our friends-

"Ana and Elsa?"she inturrupted.

"Yes and-how did you know?"

"They are at my house. Do you know Pocahontas?"

I nodded.

"Can you please tell me where she is?"

"Oh...I don't know but I think she is at...home,"I replied. She sighed. Then she gestured me to come with her to her house. Jackpot.

{Elsa's P.O.V}

"And so I said how the heck do you think I will find your underwear"this one girl named Meg joked. Most of the people laughed. Even Ana, I could tell she was just doing that to blend in. I just smiled. I had gotten hungry so I excused myself and went into the big kitchen. I walked up to a gray bearded man.

"So you all live in one house?"I asked.

"Yes, Ms.Stranger,"he answered.

"Stranger?Oh I'm Elsa of Arendelle,"I giggled. He nodded and walked out. He must be the "old wise one".

{Hans' P.O.V}

"You let them get away!"Aurora exclaimed.

"You're the one who told me to run."she was silent.

"Well my plan backfired! What they tell everyone what we did!?"she said.

"I will just call her and politely ask her NOT to tell anyone,"I suggested. She gave me her best "like that is going to work" look. I pulled put my iPhone and called Elsa. She finally picked up.

"No!" She said.

"Elsa please,please,please don't tell anyone."I pleaded.

"Like I said No! I am calling the police right now!"before I could say anything else she hang up. I tried to call her again but she wouldn't answer. What am I going to.
Hey loved ones***I hope that you LOVED this chapter, sorry that I didn't update during the week. If it is short I did NOT have any ideas. Hope you understand☆☆☆☆Peace out!!!!♡♡♡♡

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