2 | Wondrous Waterfalls

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Eda tends to be rather loquacious when Serkan brings up a topic that she's passionate about. He has never been much of a talker himself and more often than not, prefers solitude over companionship. He finds himself gravitating to Eda's receptivity and candor, the endearing character traits he admires but feels he was never blessed with. Part of her appeal is her ability to go with the flow, to be pragmatic when a situation calls for it.

This day couldn't have been any more perfect for an adventure. It's as if the gracious sun god is smiling down on them, generously enveloping them in its warmth and brilliant rays. Eda is relieved she opted for denim shorts and a cotton gauze one-shoulder summer blouse. The unforgiving heat will be intolerable for her had she chosen a shirt with sleeves. Serkan is impressed by Eda's expansive knowledge of the ancient ruins from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine era. There was little doubt that she's a lover of romance and history.

"It's believed that the Temple of Apollo was the place where Anthony met the love of his life, Cleopatra," she explains, her honey-coloured eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Some claim that he presented the temple to her as a token of his love and devotion."

Serkan listens to her with attentiveness and patience, as she rambles on gleefully. It's not difficult for him to fall head over heels in love with Eda. Her childlike demeanor warms his heart and her laughter and giggles bring him the joy he's never experienced prior to meeting her.

Serkan absentmindedly reaches for Eda's hand, as they approach a flight of rugged cobblestone steps.

"I understand that we're only pretending to be engaged, Serkan, but it's natural for two people who spend so much time together to ---"

Serkan places his index finger over Eda's lips to stop her from completing her sentence.

"Shhh--- listen, what do you hear?" he murmurs softly, in his deep seductive voice.

Eda's piercing shriek most likely frightened off the surrounding wildlife. She cups her mouth with both her hands to prevent her jaw from dropping. The pool of water, resembling a magnificent sheet of turquoise velour, is at the foot of a majestic burbling waterfall, that reminds her of a gigantic water spout from a Disney movie. Eda blinks twice, to make sure that she's not in a dream. The splendour before her, known as Düden Waterfalls, until this moment, has only existed in the revered pages of her National Geographic magazines.

Eda tosses her backpack on the sand and dives into the water in one graceful glide. Without any hesitation, Serkan whips off his T-shirt and follows suit. A feeling of ecstatic jubilation washes over her, as the cool spring water clashes with her warm body. Without any warning, Serkan extends his strong muscular arm and draws her close to him. They gaze intently into each other's eyes as they tread water, in synchronicity. Serkan reaches up and sweeps away Eda's wet locks, exposing her radiantly flawless face.

He lifts her chin and gently grazes his thumb over her wet lower lip, in a slow and deliberate manner, teasing her lips apart. In that one magical moment, Serkan and Eda are spellbound. They can no longer distinguish between what's right or wrong. Eda crooks her arms around Serkan's neck as she raises her languid legs and unabashedly wrap them around his sturdy waist. Her bold gesture prompts him to lean into her and kiss her long and hard on her wet luscious lips. Eda's gasps turn into soft whimpers, as ribbons of pleasure uncoil deep within her.

"Eda, I'm sorr..." his words are interrupted by her kiss.

"Shhh --- let's not think about anything right now, except this moment, Serkan," she whispers against his parted mouth.

He flashes her a heart-stopping smile. "Come, I want us to climb up the waterfall before we have to leave," he says enthusiastically.

Eda squeals delightfully as cool sheets of water come barreling down from the top of the cliff. Serkan presses up against her and gently nudges her over to the edge of a large flat rock, as they seek some reprieve from the velocity of the gushing water from above.

Eda's gaze trails to his impeccably chiseled abs. Just as she tilts her head to gaze up at him, he lowers his mouth to meet hers halfway. He's delighted to find her as ravenous for him as he is for her. She nestles against his brawny chest, feeling the taut muscles pressing against her wet body. A sensual moan escapes her lips. Their mouths pull apart hesitantly. Serkan looks down at her, and places a tender kiss on her forehead.

"We have to head back," he sighs, regretfully.

"Uh huh...it's back to reality," Eda garbles.

Without further ado, Serkan grabs her hand, as they begin their walk back onto the cobbled steps, and return to the reality that awaits them.

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