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"Welcome to Konoha."

The boys looked around in amazement, as it was their first time being somewhere this big and busy.

"We'll give you a tour later, for now, we need to get to the apartment you'll stay in," said Hinata, trying to talk as loud as she could over the noise of the village.


When they arrived the boys chose rooms and put things away. waiting until they were done. Naruto explained the rules.

"Now that you're finished here are the rules:

-One, no flexing your chakra. Menma.

-Two, don't use your Sharingan, unless it's an emergency.

-Three, don't tell anyone who your parents are.

-Four, don't get in trouble.

-Five, the most important, don't make any contact with your siblings, Sasuke, or Sakura unless they talk to you."

"Awwww, no fair."

"Sounds easy enough."

"Now that you know the rules we should get started on the tour."


Hinata and Naruto showed the boys all-around town. The places they can and can't go, the school they'll be temporarily attending and where to go if they need help. By the time the tour was over and back at the apartment, it was a quarter to twelve.

"Naruto, we have to go."

"Right, we'll see you later."


They then both left on their way home. The two arrived at exactly noon and went inside to see hima and boruto playing UNO.


It was a Monday, and Naruto left early to grab his children. He wanted to take the kids to school. He figured they would be nervous as it was their first time going to a school when they were home-schooled by Karin their whole lives. He also wanted to make sure they had believable backstories to avoid as many questions as possible.

When Naruto arrived at the apartment both boys were in the kitchen fully dressed and ready to go he could see the excitement written over Menmas face. Kawaki not so much he looked done with everything.

"Ready to go?"

"Mhm" "Yes!"

With that, they headed towards the academy. they got there five minutes late, on the way they were stopped by villagers who wanted autographs but it was to be expected, considering Naruto was the Hokage.

'knock' 'knock'

"Come in!"

The door was opened and the three came in, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up. All eyes were on them. They were surprised to get new students this late in the year. They were also shocked by their appearances and that the Hokage personally brought them to the classroom.

"I assume these two are the new students?"

"Yes, anyways, I have to go. Bye!"

Naruto walked out of the classroom, closing the door, everyone then stared at the new kids. "Please introduce yourselves to the class."

"I'm Menma Uchimaki!"

"Kawaki Uchimaki."

"Alright, Menma sits by Boruto, Kawaki beside Sarada raise your hand so they know who you are."

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