Chapter Six

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"Now that I've seen the ring and know exactly what it looks like I should be able to see the star that represents it," Zaire says. "Okay so finding this ring should be easy but we'll see how easy it really is," Nick says. "We need to come up with a plan. Especially to ensure we aren't blindsided." Nick and Zaire both nod at my words and we begin to strategize. We decide to go inside about five minutes after Treasure of Infinity closes so that there aren't civilians that would question what we're doing and to eliminate possibilities of an innocent bystander getting hurt. While this should be an easy mission we can't rule out that something could go horribly wrong. The three of us are especially wary because when Nick was Magician several of his teammates weren't cautious at all and always expected everything to go smoothly and were always caught off guard. Nick was also chosen the least to go on missions but the times he was there seemed to be a lot less cleanup the authorities had to do so that word of heroes and powers didn't get out. Nick says that's likely because he actually managed to sometimes get them to plan when he was involved in the mission.

We look at the building map until we have it memorized so we'll be aware of where the nearest exit is at all times. Zaire calls the number that was used to get our current information to ask for whatever information whoever's on the line can give us. We were informed that there are guards to patrol and ensure that nothing is stolen and they are expecting us so we don't have to worry about getting in trouble with them which we basically already assumed. We agree that the plan is to walk in the front door since the guards are expecting us and if that doesn't work we will obviously have to find another way inside preferably without breaking anything. I'll use my telepathy to talk to my teammates and also use telepathy with the guards so that if anyone is trying to listen in they won't be able to hear our conversations. It'll also be helpful because if something were to happen they could speak to me with their thoughts. The three of us are going to split up to search for the ring because that would allow us to find it faster. Obviously Zaire has the best chance to find the ring because of his powers. "Alright looks like we're just about ready to head out. Let's go over the plan one more time," Zaire says.

"We go inside like normal people would. If we can't get inside the front door immediately search for a way inside without damaging anything. We could probably get in through an emergency exit but that would obviously raise an alarm which we don't want to do," I respond. "Upon entering Alyssa, I mean Suits uses constant telepathy to communicate with both us and the guards. We split up to look for the ring however Suits and I stick somewhat together while you go farther because you can see where we are at all times," Nick adds. "The second Suits picks up a problematic thought we all need to meet back up ASAP. Illusio will create an illusion over our vehicle so that it's harder to find as well as use his illusions for whatever the situation requires. As good of a plan as that is unfortunately we can't possibly know what to expect should things go poorly so should things get to that point we'll honestly just have to play it by ear. The plan for nothing happening is we find the ring get in the car and leave. That's the full plan covered so let's get in the car and go." Nick stands up and stretches heading to the door. Zaire goes upstairs to grab the car keys and I follow after Nick. None of us are currently wearing our costumes so we don't draw any attention to us or the car. Zaire meets us by the car after locking the bookstore. Once we're all buckled Zaire starts driving us to the Treasure of Infinity. "You seem to know exactly where to go," I say as I look at the scenery. "My powers allow me to see people and objects that I've already seen remember? I think buildings technically qualify as objects." "Honestly I'm surprised detailed pictures of objects work," Nick replies shaking his head in disbelief. It doesn't take long before we park. "Alright Empyrean Mirages get ready," Zaire says. I summon the ace of hearts along with the queen of spades and we all get out of the car wearing all of our hero gear. I summon the king of diamonds and ask mentally if they could hear me. When I get a nod from both of them we start moving to the entrance. I turn my head to look back at the car and see a limo surrounded by a faint white light. After all the time Zaire and I have spent with Nick we can see when he's using his powers although it's definitely just because Nick let's us see them.

As we approach the front door we see someone inside who immediately opens the doors and let's the three of us in. "You must be the heroes I was told about." "Yes. I have a silent way of communicating would it be alright if we used that for safety's sake," I ask. "Sure. I'll go and let the others know." "Thank you. How many guards are here," Astral asks through the telepathy. "Plenty of us are here. I'd say at least enough for each area to have two or maybe three in each sector," the guard replies via the telepathy. "Alright time for us to get to work," Illusio says aloud before looking back at us. "Illusio, Suits cover the first floor. I'm going upstairs," Astral mentally says before bolting to the stairs. We nod and start walking off together toward one of the wings. We see lots of exhibits of what appear to be people fighting. The exhibits show both sides seemingly to be the ones winning. "Looks like this is the history of some war," Illusio says aloud. "Are there really artifacts belonging to heroes here," I ask with my telepathy making sure only my teammates can hear. "Well a history museum would make a decent cover. Let's look around," Illusio says through my telepathy. I nod and we go to the opposite sides of the room.

I pay no attention to the things describing what the exhibits are about and only look for things that seem out of place. "I found it," Astral says in our minds. Nick and I turn to look at each other and he looks as surprised as I feel. "I knew your powers would make this easy but I'm still impressed," Illusio says while walking towards where we entered. "That was almost too fast," I reply following Illusio. We go to the entrance where we first met the guard and Astral is just coming down the stairs. "Thank you for allowing us to do our work," I say aloud. "You're already done," the guard exclaims. "Yes my powers made it simple. We'll be taking our leave now," Astral replies as he walks up to us. "We didn't even see a single guard when we were looking," I say aloud once we're outside on our way to the car. We open the doors and get in. "Alright I'm going to keep the illusion on the vehicle and I think we should remain in costume just in case. Also where was the ring?" "Basically upon getting up the stairs I saw the star of the ring underneath a painting and one of the guards happened to be patrolling around the hallway so I told them what we were there for was behind it and asked if I could remove it. They were skeptical but noticed I was wearing gloves and allowed me to carefully remove it by grabbing the frame. When I removed the painting and looked at the backside the ring was simply stuck there so the guard grabbed it and I put the painting back."

We stop at a stoplight and he pulls the golden ring out of one of the secret pockets Nick implemented into his costume. He decided we needed hidden ways of carrying things and we agreed. "Suits if you don't mind put the ring in the pocket in the hem of your dress. While I'm glad we got the ring easily it feels like it was too easy and I feel like if someone were to search us they wouldn't be as thorough with your dress." "You got it Astral." I grab it and seal it in my pocket. We continue to drive home and park in the parking spot. "Guys wait," I say. They both turn towards me as the jack of spades and the jack of diamonds start fading. "I think the spades altered my telepathy a little. I'm sensing a presence inside. I'm going to check if the king of diamonds is still active since it hasn't been that long." They both nod before I hear Illusio in my mind, "can you hear me?" "How about me," Astral asks. "Looks like the telepathy is fine," I say with my telepathy as I exit the car. I look back at my teammates and see the car is now several shades of orange. Illusio just shrugs as I look at him.

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