Chapter Twelve

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"That's when the heroes started going missing right," Astral asks. Jibri nods, "I don't know what happened to the heroes but my brother told me I needed to get out of there because they were blaming me so they could have a scapegoat. Five days after that I followed my brother's advice and we went back to how our lives were before except this time we resorted to stealing and I'm pretty sure my brother had me deliver drugs a couple of times. He found the artifacts and helped me get stronger. He wanted me to be stronger to take revenge on them all, at least that's what he told me a while ago. We would go cause trouble for people, steal, and were all around your stereotypical street thugs. However my brother continued with his abusive behavior of hurting me whenever something doesn't go his way or yelling and all that but I didn't have much of a choice. I chose to get out of the hero association because everyone thought it was me and my brother dragged me into his crimes and everything until I just stopped letting my emotions show for the most part." "That explains why you were considered a trouble maker but what happened to your hero friend," Illusio asks. "Beats me. Once my brother said he didn't care about me I didn't see him ever again. I looked everywhere I could think of before those heroes started going missing." I look at my teammates in alarm and they share the same worried face I'm assuming I have. "Do you still work with your brother," I ask the worry seeping into my voice. Jibri nods skeptically. "Why?" "I think either your brother or your former friend have something to do with the disappearances."

Jibri looks lost in thought for a few moments before replying, "do you remember when we first met, how I spoke with someone and created a wall of silence?" The three of us nod. "About two months before that someone managed to leave a note with a phone number on it in the place my brother and I were staying. We had a fire going for warmth in the fireplace and I scooted closer to the fireplace trying to get a better look at the note. Once I did another message showed up saying they knew what happened to the heroes. My brother was sleeping in a different area and the writing didn't look anything like his so I walked outside of the building and called the number because I had to know if it was some sort of prank." "What happened after," Astral asked. "The person on the other end knew it was me and was happy to hear from me. They told me they had information that they'd be willing to tell me if I helped them out and they also said they didn't care if I worked with or told my brother." "What did you do for this person?" "I woke my brother and put the phone on speaker after telling him and the other person said they would get in contact for the jobs. A little after I was told to get my old artifacts but otherwise nothing's changed. The only time anything important happened was when one of your phones were bugged. All I know about that is that I was on the phone with them and all we could hear was basically that you got the ring."

"All you heard was that we got it," I ask. Jibri nods before replying, "specifically something among the lines of asking where it was. For some reason we couldn't really hear much." "Well now we have a friend of sorts making sure hacking doesn't happen but I'm not sure what was different the first time," Astral says. "Wait let's see if our contact has anything. Plus I have an idea," Illusio says pulling out his phone. "So what happens now," Jibri asks. "Just wait," Illusio replies. After Illusio types on his phone to who I assume is Odette he looks at everyone.

"She said that someone's trying to listen in. However we're safe due to our stuff but I have a theory. My powers were on the car. I think my illusions made it so the bug didn't work right. We have a lot of information so how about we try to clear your name and you help us," Illusio says with a smile. "Why would I help you?" "What about finding the truth or even finding Mason? Not to mention Tina still cares about you. I also don't think you'll find out exactly who got in contact with you just by following their orders," I say. "Just like that," Astral asks confused. "I've told you my past and honestly I've had enough of people using me. However let me make something very clear I don't trust any of you and I'm only doing this because it's the better option." "Fair, however we want to trust you so we're going to tell you everything. Sound good Empges," Illusio says. "Before that how did you know to go to the bookstore," Astral asks. "The contact said that some heroes a while ago bought the store and it seemed to just be an asset for the association." We all start telling him of our adventures as we drive towards Tina's house. We keep a careful eye out to make sure we aren't followed and tell Odette our plans to have Jibri help us. Odette tells us to have Jibri write a letter to the organization to try and help clear his name without being physically present as a just in case. We arrive at Tina's house and ring the doorbell. Tina opens the door and gasps in excitement and surprise and welcomes us in. We get inside as their is another large boom of thunder. Shortly after my powers leave putting us back in our normal clothes. Jibri and Tina spend sometime talking and catching up. After about an hour Tina looks at the clock and speaks, "you all should probably get going so you can get back at a reasonable time. I'm assuming it probably isn't safe for Jibri to stay here so please take care of him." It's pretty obvious she's holding back tears. "Are you sure? We could probably figure out a way to make sure it's safe so he can stay at least for the night," I respond. "I'm just grateful to know he's alive."

Jibri moves towards the door then turns back towards everyone, "I'll be back as soon as I can... Mom. Let's go." Jibri walks out the door and the three of us follow after seeing Tina's eyes widen in surprise then her entire face beaming at being called mom. We enter the car and Nick speaks, "I'm changing the illusion on the vehicle again." "Didn't you do that as soon as you left the lake," Zaire asks. "Yes but you can't be to careful. Also we're going to have to be careful since the contact knew to find us at the store." We get on the road and it's nothing but grey skies with pouring rain and lightning. "This is some storm," Nick says. "Agreed just be extra careful Zaire," I say. "Don't worry I'm taking it slow. How're you doing Jibri?" "Fine but honestly I'm a little drained. Just so you know I think something messed with a lot of my older memories. Other than what I told you everything is hazy." "That's fine. You've been through a lot so just try and take it easy for now," Nick says. Jibri hums as a response and puts his head against his arm. After several minutes of a comfortable silence I feel something lean on my shoulder. I look down to see Jibri's head. He's snoring softly and Nick chuckles, "you know I was so spooked by him when we first saw that picture and yet despite the dark red of his eye and hair he doesn't seem really all that bad. Heck given what he's told us I would think he'd mention if he outright hurt someone." "Just goes to show looks can be deceiving," I say. We continue our drive and go back to the bookstore. We all go inside and Jibri groggily yawns before stretching. "There's something I wanna ask you." "Shoot," Zaire replies. "You mentioned something was stolen when you met Alyssa. Could it be one of the artifacts? Also could your team have something to do with the contact?" "It's possible," Nick replies.

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