Chapter One

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"Take these, they will help you when you're older." The person hands me a bunch of cards. "These are playing cards. How could they possibly help me?" The person chuckles before speaking, "these are no ordinary cards. Each suit has it's own powers." "Powers?" "You'll have to figure that out yourself." "Why are you giving me these cards," I ask. "Good question. I simply feel they will help you in the future." "Who are you?" "I'm afraid I can't tell you that child. I will however tell you that it's up to you how you use these powers. Give me your hand." I put my small hand on the stranger's palm. They pull out something sharp and prick my finger. "Ouch!" "Sorry but it's necessary." They do the same thing to the hand I'm holding and rub our bloody fingers on the cards. As I look at the blood on the cards disappear the person mumbles something. "Now the cards will only work for you," the person says when they are done mumbling. The person begins shimmering before disappearing completely. "The cards will come to you in your time of need." With those last words I find myself staring at my half eaten lunch.

I look around disoriented for a few moments. Right I'm at work at the local grocery store and currently on my lunch break. I shove my sandwich back in the container and the chips in the sandwich bag before putting everything in my lunch box. What was that daydream? It felt so familiar. I'm pulled from my thoughts when the break room door opens. "Management wants to see you." I grab my lunch box and head to the management office. I knock on the door before entering. After I shut the door they start speaking, "you've been incredibly distracted lately. You constantly drop things and several customers have complained about you not being friendly." "I'm sorry," I say not believing anything the manager says due to them seeming to hate me. "Apologies aren't going to cut it. I'm going to have to let you go." Before I can say anything in reply they speak again, "you're fired now get out of my sight!" I leave as quickly as I can my eyes watering. I stop outside of the store catching my breath. Great now how am I supposed to pay my bills? I need to find a job so I don't wind up on the streets but I'm not in the mood to do anything right now. Guess I'll head home for now.

I sigh as I walk towards my apartment. As I'm walking I see something white on the ground. I ignore it and keep walking. I stop in my tracks when I see a shimmer and something white appears in front of me. I bend down and pick it up. "A card?" I turn it over to see a joker. "The cards will come to you in your time of need." Does this mean I need those cards? Was what I saw in the break room a memory? I put the card in my pocket and keep walking. I get to the main street and see a man running. He approaches and corners me against the wall of a nearby building. "Please help me! I'll explain everything in a bit." I'm a little bit concerned about my safety but the man panting in front of me seems genuine. Suddenly an ace of hearts appears and the man's hair and clothes change. His eyes widen in surprise and he smirks. "Well this'll make my illusion easier." Before I can ask what he means I see faint white light. "Everyone thinks we're a couple right now and since we can't move much or we risk losing the illusion now's a good time for me to explain things. I was part of this hero group for a while." "Hero group? Do you mean like a superhero team?" "Basically. Before you ask us heroes always tried to remain subtle which is why no one knows we exist but we aren't completely hidden." I nod my head and he continues.

"However someone stole something very important and the others in my group immediately thought it was me because of my illusion making abilities. They basically turned me over to the cops and I ran." "That's why you were running down the street right?" I stop to consider if I really want to ask him for help with my powers. "Let me guess you're thinking something about your powers. Not just anyone can change their appearance in seconds," he says with a smile. I see a group of police officers pass by and disappear down the other side of the street. "If you really are telling the truth and you're a good person will you help me with my powers, like learning to control them? "Of course. I think we should go elsewhere to discuss the details since the police are no longer chasing me. Any ideas on where to go?" He let's go of me and steps back. This man seems genuine but he's a stranger and I'm not about to let someone I don't know and fully trust into my apartment. I wish there was a way to know if he's telling the truth. Just as I think that the jack of diamonds appears. I grab it and I can suddenly hear everything he's thinking which proves he was telling the truth about everything. "Everything alright there?"

I apologize then explain what happened. "I see. By the way my name is Nickolas and in the hero business I'm known as Magician, however it could be problematic if I continue to go by that name." "My name is Alyssa." After we introduce ourselves I realize Nickolas is back to his original appearance. I lead the way to my apartment and we talk on the way. I find out he's an outgoing person and honest too. After we arrive at my apartment and go inside I ask the question that's been on my mind but I felt like I shouldn't ask until we were here, "what exactly was stolen?" "No idea. I woke up today had breakfast and everyone accused me of stealing and then I was brought to the police station. Also certain people could easily figure out who I am which could make going places difficult and I'm going to need some clothes." "Well that could be a problem."

I then explain how I lost my job and we discuss how we're going to stay in this apartment and get everything we need. "I wonder if I could get a job at another grocery store. That seems to be the best option since you can't really be in public. However my old boss is the kind of person who makes their employees lives miserable so there's no guarantee I'd be able to work at another." "Do you have a computer?" "Yes why?" "Maybe we can find something that works for the both of us." I point in the direction of the desk and we both go over to the computer. I turn it on and immediately start looking for jobs. After Nickolas and I search for a couple minutes a pop up appears on screen. We look at each other and Nickolas shrugs, "maybe it's something to do with the search browser and targeting ads?" "Maybe." Before I decide whether to click on it or not it opens revealing an old building.

"It says it's a book store that needs some help. It also has an upstairs loft with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and living room." "There's no way this is legitimate," I reply with a frown. "There's a number to call. Before I went to breakfast I grabbed my phone so I can call and see what they say." "Yeah I'll call my landlord and see if he knows anything. He might have some information since it counts as living property." I go into my bedroom and call my landlord. "Hey it's Alyssa. Have you heard anything about a bookstore that's hiring? I uh lost my job so I've been looking." "Are you referring to the one on Maple Road?" "Yeah that's the one." "It used to be owned by the elderly lady who lives there but I heard some company bought it or something and she simply had to pay bills. The lady contacted me a couple weeks ago asking if I had any tenants or knew anyone looking for a place to stay."

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