The fall of a titan

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It was a cold night, a full moon. Sasuke and Naruto made their way to the Uchiha compound where Naruto was supposed to be at for his training according to Sasuke who had approached him unexpectedly during class

"Hey dobe we're almost there"

"Got it teme.....Wait Sasuke something is off"

"What do you mean?"

"Be quiet and follow me!"

Naruto took out his bo staff and silently closed in on the gates that had no guards. And there they were handing from a tree with their necks tied with ninja wire

"WHAT THE HELL NARUTO WHAT IS GOING-" He was cut off by Naruto who had shushed him. Walking inside were countless dead bodies, babies and elders alike. Both academy students were shocked at this. Sasuke loosing his cool ran home leaving Naruto to investigate what had happened, from what appeared to be they had been slashed in the neck giving them a quick death but the question remained.....

Who did this


Hearing the scream from Sasuke Naruto made his way quickly into a alley and saw Sasuke knocked out and standing in front of him Uchiha Itachi

"Please for the love of Kami please tell me you didnt kill everyone Itachi-sensei!"

"Im sorry Naruto-kun but yes I killed off my clan and I killed.......Shisui"

Naruto stood there not moving at all. Flashbacks of him eating and playing with Shisui and Itachi rang threw his mind as if he was relieving his final moments on earth and that he wanted. He wanted to die too.....This wasnt real it couldnt be

"Itachi-sensei you know what I must do"

The young Sarutobi brought his Bo staff up in a defensive position, his eyes dead blue glaring at Itachi with the full intention of killing him or end up killed himself

"Do you truly wish to fight me Naruto-kun?"

"It is what I must do as your student. TO TEST MT STRENGTH ONCE AND FOR ALL"

In a blur of speed both Itachi's ninjato clashed with Naruto's chakra induced metal bo staff given to him by Shisui. Glaring at each other Itachi's eyes morphed into his 3 tomoe sharingan, getting scared Naruto jumped away as he started to feel weak in his legs facing the Uchiha

"He truly loved you Naruto-kun"

That did it for Naruto. Itachi had no right to talk about the man he saw as a brother, he had to kill Itachi


Putting his bo staff away Naruto took out two kunai holding them in a reverse grip he launched towards Itachi as fast as he could. Clashing one of his kunai with the ninjato Naruto tried to swipe Itachi with the other one but was met with a heel to the neck sending him crashing to the wall. "You are no match for me dont have enough hate!"

Clashing blades once again Naruto began to lose his cool going for a sloppy swipe at Itachi causing him to lose his balance. Itachi tried for take advantage of it but Naruto managed to substitute himself with a trash can, then in a split second Naruto threw shuriken at Itachi performing the necessary hand signs for a jutsu

"Shuriken Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" (Shuriken shadow clone technique)

What appeared to be 4 shurkien turned into 40 as they cut threw Itachi naruto sighed in relief but something was off. Itachi wasnt bleeding instead crows came out of his body showing the young Sarutobi to be in a genjustu

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