A little trouble

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"YOU KNOW NOTHING" Naruto screamed


A little kid no taller than 3 feet ran up the stairs crying leaving team 7 and his client eating dinner in a small humble table

"That was harsh Naruto" Kakashi spoke a little angry at his comrade

"The kid needs to see the harsh nature of the world, if he wants to die a cowards death let him do so but let me eat in peace" Naruto sneered out as he continued eating his ramen he had brought from Konoha

"NARUTO" Kakashi yelled out slamming his fist down as he began to shake and he spoke again "I thought you were better than this Naruto. I'm disappointed in you"

"Let me tell you something that man named gato, he's dead to me as well as every other scum like him on the planet!" Naruto spoke and scoffed at his teammates weak demeanor

Walking away from everyone Naruto slammed the main entrance door going towards the forest to train till he dropped

"Im sorry about that" Kakashi said sighing continuing to eat his food

'Stupid dobe cant control his emotions' Sasuke told himself not listening to the irony to that statement

'How does a true shinobi die....' Sakura thought with a saddened expression

They continued eating until Sakura left to join her sensei in training. Leaving them she picked up her blade and made her way to the spot she would imagine her sensei would be in

Arriving she was met with Naruto trying out a blue sphere but it suddenly started to turn black, without a second more going by a huge explosion rose threw the area that had emitted from Naruto's hand


Sakura ran towards her sensei who had fallen a couple of feet away. His look was that of a pained expression but he quickly grinned

"Its almost complete"

"What is?"

"A new S-rank technique im creating"


"Hai hai whatever lets focus on you. Show me your skills Haruno" Naruto sighed pulling out two kunai in a reverse grip waiting for his apprentice to attack

Taking out her sword she got into the uzumaki stance which had fitted her quite well with her ill temper and strength she had learned it quite fast

Rushing at Naruto with her sword she held it with two hands and went with a simple straight slash threw his chest, however she was met with Naruto' kunai holding her back

"Stop it with the basic moves or it will get you killed, you might have been able to catch Sabuza by surprise but next time it won't be easy"


"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" (Shadow Clone Jutsu)

Yes, the shadow clone technique. Naruto had found out she had rather large reserves, enough to be considered jounin level so he managed to blackmail the sandaime into giving him the technique. And with that she was able to create a maximum of 5 clones

In this fight however she made only one that had rushed straight on to Naruto, evading the clone the chunin hit in with a kunai making it disappear. However it was a clear distraction as the pink haired genin swiftly came face to face to Naruto who had just barely managed to bring up his kunai to block the sword

"CHAAA" Sakura screamed putting more force into her hands creating a blue like aura around her fist holding the blade signifying she was putting a great amount of chakra into boosting her physical strength. Eventually Naruto added his own chakra into his hands fighting Sakura for strength

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