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1 Month Later

"How can this dobe be my sensei! I'm not calling Naruto sensei I'd rather die!"

"I can make that happen"


"Maa Maa Naruto calm down we don't want to kill our genin so soon" Kakashi stopped the escalation well knowing Naruto would kill Sasuke

"Uh Naruto-sensei why do you like you've been in a war?" Asked Sai

"Because I am in one"

"I wasn't aware the village was in a war?"

"Not the village but me"


"Thats enough Naruto" Kakashi stopped his chunin AGAIN

Kakashi instructed his new genin to sit down in front of Naruto and himself so they could introduce themselves

"My name is Hatake Kakashi, my likes and dislikes are none of your business as for my dreams I have none. Naruto go next"

"My name is Sarutobi Naruto, my likes include training and eating ramen with the old man and my dislikes include you guys. My dreams include becoming a S-ranked ninja and killing a couple of people on my hit list"

"Am I on the list Naruto-sama?"

"You will be Sai if you call me that again now go next"

"My name is Sai...Thats all"

"Alright that was a excellent introduction Sai. Pinky next"


Naruto flared a bit of killer intent making a dark orange aura around him making everyone gasp even the normally stoic Kakashi

"Don't question my words or orders Haruno GO NEXT!"

"Y-yeah m-my name is Haruno Sakura and my likes dislikes are Ino and my dreams are-" She stopped however and began to look at Sasuke with starts in her eyes imagining her whole life with him in that split minute

Naruto sighed and let Kakashi continue as he began to read over a scroll with a new jutsu given to him by the old man Hiruzen

"Alright emo go next" Kakashi said to him not lifting his eyes from his book

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. My likes are none and I dislike a lot of things, my dream for the future is to restore my clan and kill a certain man" Sasuke spoke never taking his eyes of Naruto. He wondered what had happened to Naruto for him to lose his eye and gain all those marks, he hoped it didn't have to do with Itachi

"Stupid brooder" Naruto muttered under his breathe only for Kakashi to hea and sigh at his partner teacher scare the living shit out of the students. "Today we will be doing the actual genin test" Naruto spoke out randomly making the genin scream

"What do you mean real test!" Sasuke and Sakura screamed while Sai looked indifferent

Kakashi and Naruto shunshin away letting the team know to meet them at training ground 7 in less than a hour

Arriving at the ground team 7 looked at their sensei where one was smoking while the other read a book

"Don't smoke in front of me Naruto-baka!"

"Is that a order towards your superior!?" Naruto screamed out giving her a dead stare with his single eye

"N-no s-sensei"

"GOOD. Now the test is simple, Kakashi will be tied to a stump and you guys have to get him before the sun goes down so about a couple of hours"

"Good now Disperse!"

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