S3rious Ta1ks

567 24 6

Wednesday MORNING
November 7
Maya's POV
I just got home from shift. In the kitchen was my lovely wife Carina.

M- Maya: Hey

I wrapped my arms around her. She was preparing the kids lunches.

C- Carina: How was work?
M- Maya: Crazy. I have so much to tell, but on a good note Jack got Andy to come to tonight's dinner with the rest of the family.
C- Carina: Great I'll make sure I prepare enough.
M- Maya: I'm going to finish getting the kids ready so I can take them to school.

I walked down the hall looking for the kids. My 2 year old son Liam ran into my embrace. Followed behind him was his older sister Camilah. She was 4 years old.
M- Maya: Alright kiddos let's finish getting you both ready.

Andy's POV
Since the kids only went to daycare when I had to work day shifts today they would be staying with me. I enjoyed watching over my kids.

I was playing blocks with the kids when someone knocked on the door.

A- Andy: Alright mommy will be back soon.

I grabbed the baby monitor and headed to the door. Standing at the door was Robert.

A- Andy: Robert?? Ummm what are you doing here?
R- Robert: Andy..... I honestly don't know where to begin. Please just know I'm sorry.

Robert's POV
Behind Andy's shoulder I could see the twins sitting in the back playing with their toys.

R- Robert: So....... twins?
A- Andy: Yes
R- Robert: How old are they?
A- Andy: Their going to be 2 on December 10.

At that moment one of the twins started crying. Andy ran over to the twins. She was such a good mom. To see her interaction with the twins. Also it was a 99% chance these twins were mine the time that I left added up, but I couldn't bring myself to ask her. After a few moments she returned to the door:

A- Andy: I have to go feed them some lunch, but here's my number. We should catch up while you're in town.
R- Robert: Thanks Andy.

Part 3 NIGHT
Maya's POV
Everyone had started to arrive to Carina and I place. Carina had it smelling amazing as always and the kids played in the room. My phone had went off. It was Andy

Andy: Sorry I won't be able to come tonight. Something popped up.
Maya: It's cool. Hopefully next week. Jack and Dean are hosting next week.
Andy: Putting the reminder in my phone right now.

Ever since Andy had stopped working at Station 19 she had been pretty distant from all of us.

Part 4
Andy's POV
I had just pulled up to my dad's house. He greeted us at the door.

A- Andy: So, Where is your fiancé, Beth?
P- Pruitt: She's on a retreat with her friends she won't get back until the weekend. But the real question is what brings you by this late at night. 
A- Andy: Robert's back in town and I gave him my number. Dad I don't know why I gave him my number.
P- Pruitt: Because. 1. You never stopped loving him. 2. you want your kids to have both parents around. Andy I know that you still resent your mom and I for faking her death. Which made it so you didn't grow up with both parents. You want different for your kids.
A- Andy: Where do I go from here?
P- Pruitt: Y'all need to sit down and talk. Find out his intentions.
A- Andy: Thanks dad

Part 5
Victoria's POV
Dinner with squad had been nice. Carina had threw down per usual. Victor and I were the only ones to go. Lucas never went to these things because he felt like we deserved to talk without having our Chief in the same room.

When I had arrived in the driveway, I called Lucas to get Victor out the car.

30 minutes later
Lucas had went to lay Victor down and I had got ready for bed. We both laid in bed.

L- Lucas: I know you're mad at me. I should've told you I had reached out to Robert.
V- Victoria: Why did you do that?
L- Lucas: You want my honest opinion. He deserves to eventually know he has twins. And he was miserable in Florida. He told me a lot that you don't know.

I didn't know how to follow up. I turned over and fell asleep.

Part 6
Maya's POV
Carina and I had just finished cleaning up the last of the house. We both went into the kid's room to lay them down.

They called Carina mommy and me Mama.
We read them a bedtime story. Before the story was over the kids were sleep. We kissed them on their forehead before going to our room.

In Maya and Carina's room
M-Maya: So are we going to talk about how Liam called Jack his dad?
C-Carina: It was a slip up. I mean Jack has been there for them a lot lately more than usual.
M-Maya: What are you saying you want to see less of Jack?
C-Carina: I will forever be grateful that Jack decided to be our sperm donor for Liam, but we all agreed he'd be Uncle Jack.
M-Maya: Okay I'll tell Jack.

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