16 ✘ and your bestfriend too

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BAILEY LEADS CONSTANCE and up the stairs of her place and we all take a seat on her bed

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BAILEY LEADS CONSTANCE and up the stairs of her place and we all take a seat on her bed. Ari and Valé are out at some historical expo which the rest of us couldn't be bothered to join so we're hanging at the blonde's.

Out of all my friends' bedrooms, it's Bailey's that I love most. She's so unapologetically herself with the funky artwork she did as a kid all over her room alongside photos of our friends. She's also got her infamous egg chair attached to her ceiling, which Valé and Constance are always fighting over. They always end up sharing it though, which leaves the rest of us confused but it's become tradition for them to bicker so we all allow it.

"So, I heard from a little birdie that you were whisked away by Luca Cathans." Con states, her ruby lips cast a devilish smirk against her pale skin.

"And where did you hear this from?" I ask nonchalantly, already eyeing Bailey with a pointed look. The blonde girl acts as if she can't see me. She pretends to fixate her attention on her signed David Bowie poster that originally belonged to her grandpa.

"Don't be a tease, Nads!" Con groans, playing with the ends of her dark hair. When our eyes meet she smiles sweetly, batting her mascara-coated lashes at me.

I sigh, reluctantly. "You know this is like coercive,"

Con cocks her head, with a wolfish smile, knowing that I'm about to break. When I look over to Bailey, she's also engaged. Her elbows are leaning on her thighs as she draws closer in to me.

If curiosity really killed that a cat, it'd kill the both of them in a bloody bath.

"He just wanted to talk about the weekend. Mom dragged me to visit the baby twins and we had a run-in." Despite being a white lie, it's still bitter on my tongue. It's not that I don't trust Bailey and Con, I just don't think it'd be wise to tell them anything, yet.

Knowing Bailey, she'd be so crushed that Valé didn't ask her to join the plan. This is exactly something up her alley.

"What do you mean 'run in,' did you guys just run into each other literally?, Or are we talking on like an emotional level?" Bailey asks, voice a little muffled as she begins to take off her school jumper. Her blond hair falls manically all around her when the clothes finally come off. She pats her wild hair down before throwing her jumper off to the side.

"We talked a little, he thought I had a crush on Reid," I admit, still embarrassed at the accusation.

"He what?" Both girls chorus, for obvious reasons. It's not like my embarrassingly major crush on Luca was a secret which makes his assumption all the more wild.

I cringe, nodding my head. "He was like 'You're here for Reid' and I was like 'What the hell are you talking about?' I mean, yeah Reid is beautiful and all but I'm not into him."

"This is why boys are dumb, how does he not realise you're in love with him and not his brother?" Bailey scoffs.

"Bailey," I warn, not wanting to get into this.

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