55 ✘ all eyes on us

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MY ALARM ISN'T set until six thirty so when it rings way before my body is complicit, I groan, turning over to shut it before seeing the time light up on my screen

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MY ALARM ISN'T set until six thirty so when it rings way before my body is complicit, I groan, turning over to shut it before seeing the time light up on my screen. One thirty am. That's not my time, that's my ringer.

I groan louder, going to decline it before I see how many more miscalls I've gotten. Three from Valé, four from Amber and six from Nadia. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I lean over, flicking the switch of the dainty floral tapered lamp that glows dimly, before fixing myself in my shirt and answering the phone.

"Hello?" I clear my throat after hearing the first version of my voice that's gone rough with sleep.

"Nayelie?" Nadia breathes on the other side, her voice coming out urgent. My heart sinks. What is it now?

"What's wrong?" I breathe out, fixing up my position and accidentally kicking Blanco while at it. The dog stirs and I go still not wanting him to wake him up. Mom would kill me if she were to see I'd let him on the bed, let alone have him attack it in a frenzy.

"Nayelie, someone knows it was us."

My entire body freezes. "What do you mean? Principal Leighton?" All the evidence he had disappeared. Was I scared it could leak? Yes, but did I ignore the issue hoping it would somehow disappear? Also, yes.

"No, someone else," Valé's voice adds.

"Well, we don't know that for sure," Amber retracts. It's a four way call I note.

"Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean someone knows?" I repeat, as my brain attempts to scatter any alibis.

"I got a letter. I didn't notice at first but the writing, it's done in the Cathans's chocolatier print."

"Alright, is that it?" I mean, that doesn't sound too bad. It could be a cruel joke.

"I got a positive pregnancy test, the box it came in was French packaged," Valé mutters but I hear it in her voice, she's keeping something. I don't press. Not yet anyway.


"A receipt for an Evanders's art piece, with scribbled writing saying I know you did it." Oh shit. "You haven't gotten anything yet?" she asks.

I shake my head, forgetting that they can't see me, I begin to speak. "Not that I know of."

"Check your front porch, all our things ended up at our doors."

I think it over. Do I want to risk waking up Mom and Dad? But then it hits me, they're not home. They had to attend a school board meeting before spending the night flying to Madrid, something about family drama.

I reach for the shorts in my bedside table drawer, rising from the bed I leave the phone on my covers as I struggle putting one foot through the hole while hopping, I hear the girls call my name in question to why I haven't responded. When my leg slides through the other, I sigh in relief rushing for the phone.

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