37 ✘ motherf*cker

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TWO WEEKS. I'VE only got two weeks left until Luca's secret is out. But the million—dollar question still remains. What is Luca's secret? There's no way nothing is hiding in that glass house of his. It's impossible to remain free of sin when sinning is continuous, and innocence is forever fleeting.

It's just too bad I'm terrible at all of this. If this were up to me, I'd just get other people to do all the dirty work. I'm way too incompetent for this kind of stuff.


nai: turn on the 5pm news!

amber: there's a 5pm news?

vals bby: no jokes!!!
vals bby: turn it on amber

amber: fine, i'll turn the old people tmz

Liking Amber's message, I reach out for the remote that's on my new silk satin sheets and switch the television channels until I'm on the 5pm news station

"Welcome back to the five o'clock news, I'm Nebula Brown. We will be discussing a surplus amount of news today so get situated, watchers." The brunette—haired journalist smiles at the camera, it's one of those forced ones that's got the Botox in her forehead straining.

I lean on my fisted hands that hold my head up whilst listening in for what the group chat is going crazy over. My ears ring when Sterling is mentioned.

"The infamous school prior known for their nepotism, wealth and celebrity endorsements is under fire once again with the release of new information regarding the notoriously regarded 'List'."

I begin getting comfortable as I eye the television with a new wave of perception. The List? What about it?

"A former Sterling High student has come forward with allegations against the school, saying they have been faced with possible expulsion for speaking up against the slut shaming of the girls."


"Principal Clopas Leighton has denied any knowledge of the students' accusation despite the alleged clearly recorded conversation in which the reprimanded student has submitted to us. A spokesperson for the school has come forward calling the accusation an abuse of power surrounding the media, and the accuser attention seeking. We are currently unable to distribute the alleged recording."

Whatever Nebula says next fades into background noise as notifications go off on my phone causing me to divert my attention from the big screen to the little one in my hands.

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