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April's P.O.V.

I slammed my eyes open and looked around frantically Breathing heavily.

I don't know What that was? but I know it wasn't a dream this time!

Whatever that was it was real. And whoever she was was real!

"My love, are you Ok?" The soft sweet voice of my Janey asked.

I closed my eyes And took A few breaths before answering. "Yeah, I'm fine,"

I felt her hands touch my back. "Did you have another one of those dreams?" She asked.

What do I tell her? I know it wasn't a dream. But I promised I wouldn't say anything to her about this.
I don't wanna lie, but I also don't break my promises.

"...Y-yeah..I did." I answered As a odd feeling Hit my stomach.

"Oh My Love, I'm sorry, I wish I could help you with the Dreams you've been having." Jane said softly Well rubbing my back.

She's not making this easy.

"...I wish you could to." I sighed.

I open my eyes and looked at the table Where the Brown book Still set.

"Take a look at that book one more time. really look at it," I sighed again and looked away from the book

It would be pointless to look at it again. I already know there's nothing inside.

"What happened this time in your dream? my love." She asked.

What do I say?
It can't be what actually happened.

"....Um. same thing as my last one." I answered Feeling that odd feeling in my stomach again.

I heard Jane hum And then she kissed my shoulder. "Why don't we get dressed for the day and I make you breakfast to help get your mind off of it?" She asked softly.

I smiled and turned to her. "I would love that," I gave her a sweet Kiss.

We got out of bed and went to the closet.

After a few minutes Of looking I grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans A red Victorian style shirt Some red and black shoes and a golden black blazer.

After a few minutes Of looking I grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans A red Victorian style shirt Some red and black shoes and a golden black blazer

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Once I was dressed I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth and hair and put my hair Up in a braid And put on some perfume.

When I was done getting ready I left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom To be met with a Waiting Jane Who's in a black and red dress With Black heels And her volturi Necklace along with the heart necklace I got her and Her hair up in a bun.

When I was done getting ready I left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom To be met with a Waiting Jane Who's in a black and red dress With Black heels And her volturi Necklace along with the heart necklace I got her and Her hair up in a bun

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You kept me waiting Long enough Jane volturi's mateWhere stories live. Discover now