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April's P.O.V.

When the smoke finally cleared, And I was able to see my surroundings again. I was met With the Shocked, concerned, Worried, and Relieved, Faces of not only my family, but the volturi As well.

"APRIL!?!" My family Jane and the Volturi all yelled at once.

I smiled nervously. "Yeah, it's me, I'm back. What did I miss?"

"The better question is, Who is this with you??" Aro asked With a semi cold curious expression.

At Aro's Words, all eyes turned From Me To Galya And a few low growls could be heard throughout the room.

Galya, Remove her hand from around my waist and and took a step forward. " My name is Galya Volkov, That name should Sound familiar to you. My mother Maria Volkov Once visited you almost 400 years ago."

At Galya Words more growls were heard throughout the room much louder this time.

"You bear the same name as this Clarissa, we've heard about." Caius Hissed.

Galya Slightly nodded. "That I do,  Clarissa is my daughter-" She was cut off by growls so deep they shook the floor.

Before I knew what was happening. Demetri and Felix let out a deep growl  And both of them looked as though they were fixing to attack Galya But then she raised her hand and an odd feeling went through the room and everything went quiet And everyone except for me and Galya Look as if they were just standing Still.

"What did you do!?" I asked Walking up to her Confused.

"I froze them," she answered. "They can still hear, and see, everything around them. they just can't move or speak."

"Why did you do that!?"

"They were going to attack me, So I froze them."

"Well unfreeze them!"




"Why not!?"

She turned and looked at me in the eyes. "Because, they were going to attack me. And until they are Calm enough, I will not release them."

I sighed, Then I felt her hand to touch my shoulder. "April, If I am to be your teacher, You must trust me, This is for the best for now."

I looked away and sighed. "Fine."

I just think there was another way she could have restrained them without freezing everyone? but ok,

She removed her hand from my shoulder. "Good, Now," She turned and looked at the kings and queens. "I am not here to hurt any of you, I am nothing like my daughter. I only wish to stop her, And the only way that that can be done, Is if we discuss, and try to find a way to work together."

"I understand the history between vampires and witches, But I'm hoping for the sake of battle to come, that we can put that behind us for now and work together. I know you have no reason to trust me But life is all about chances And without me You will not win this Battle. Clarissa is not working alone, she has another witch with her, a witch who is the same age as I am and of equal strength as I am."

"They also have a large vampire army that grows with each day that passes, of the likes of which you have never seen before. Not just that, But I am the only one who can teach April how to control her magic, I know that you all Are aware of April and what she is,  Without me to teach April how to control her magic, It can kill her," at Galya Words, I saw something Flash in all the vampires eyes.

You kept me waiting Long enough Jane volturi's mateWhere stories live. Discover now