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April's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly But when the light hits I shut them back.

"Good, You're awake." I heard the soft voice of Athenodora Say.

"Mm..Where am I?" I asked Setting up in bed slowly as it felt like my head was spinning.

"Don't you remember? after lunch we brought you back to your Room so you could take a nap." Didyme said Sweetly.

Oh that's right Giovanni's,
I Had that glass of wine and I started feeling funny afterwards.

"How are you feeling dear?" Sulpicia asked softly.

"Mm..Like I got hit by a freight train. Why is the Room spanning?" I asked.

They giggled. "The Room is not spinning dear, that's just you." Athenodora answered.

"Oh" I Opened my eyes again a little bit and started to look around the Room.

"Here. Drink some water it'll help." Didyme said Handing me a glass of water.

I took the glass and within no time I drink it all And handed her the glass back.

"Did that help any?" Athenodora asked softly.

"..I don't know? the Room is still spinning and my head kind of hurts." I asked.

"Where sorry April," Athenodora said softly Putting a hand on my back. "We shouldn't have ordered that wine."

"It's fine, Really," I said. "I had the option to not drink it and I did anyway. if anybody is at fault here. it's me,"

She shook her head. "Still, we should have known better. We are each over 3000 years old, we should have been acting like it."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Really. it's fine, stop blaming yourself Dora,"

She Smiled at me then raised her eye Brow. "Dora?" She asked.

"Y-yeah. No offense, but Athenodora is just a lot to say. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I understand if you don't want me t-" She cut me off.

"No, No I like it." She said softly.

I smiled. I'm glad she likes the nickname because Athenodora was a lot to say.

"Aww, Look at you to becoming Close." Didyme said Looking At us with a smile.

"It's only natural we become close. We share a bond and shall be my feature daughter-in-law One day" Dora Smirked at me.

I blushed at the thought of getting married to Jane. Watching her walk down the aisle towards me. Beautiful as ever, saying our vows. And sharing our 1st kiss as a married couple.

I for one, love the idea of weddings and getting married to the person you love most showing just how much you Love them in front of all your loved ones.

Though in this day and age marriage isn't a big deal to most people and a lot of people don't get married. and I can understand. Some people don't need a piece of paper to prove how much they love someone. but that's not what it's about for me,

The way I see A wedding, is A-day to celebrate The love and happiness that you have with your significant other. As all of your loved ones and the people you care about most celebrate your love with you.

And when I think of marriage, I don't think of a piece of paper. I think, Everyday you see that ring on your finger or on your significant other's finger it reminds you of them. Of the love you have,

Then every year you have your wedding anniversary, The day that reminds you Of A-day that you will never forget.

I understand it there some people out there That see weddings and marriage different. But that is what makes us who we are everyone is different, everyone have their own opinions,

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