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It was late at night and Walter had been granted a night off, given his progress both as an agent and as a method of reform for the villain they had tried to destroy a year ago.
He was in the room Lance had lent him while his house was being repaired. He had different books open to different pages, he also took notes in one of his many notebooks with pens of different colors, which according to him helped him to remember things better.
His calling device began to ring on the table, vibrating the area around him, he knew that only one person could call him through it. He jumped in place due to the sudden sound that pulled him out of his concentration. Seeing the illuminated screen he unconsciously adjusted his clothes and hair, cleared his throat and took the device answering the call.
- Mr. McFord, what a surprise. – he greeted him with a smile when he saw him on the other side of the screen.
- Walter, I thought you'd be asleep, it's late enough. – he said raising his eyebrows in surprise.
-             What? It's not so… oh man. Lahe exclaimed when he noticed the time on his watch. - I think I lost track of time. I also thought that you would be sleeping as well.
- Please, I haven't slept well in the last twenty years. I'm used to sleeping at this time.
- That's not right, sir. Lack of sleep can affect your cognitive ability. When you get out of there, you will have to get used to my schedules.
- Your schedules?
-          Oh yeah! Director Jenkins called me the other day, she told me that if your behavior continues as it is now, you will be able to leave in a month and… guess she – he paused.
- Will they throw me in the ocean? - the chestnut laughed on the other side of the line.
-          Nah. They will assign you to live with me, in my house, until you can settle into society. Isn't it great!? – he commented as emotionally as he could. - We get along so well that the principal agreed that i should help you recover.
The older one was shocked for a moment.
-             Mister? Still there? – the minor called when he saw that the image did not move.
- Yes, Walter. Sorry, it's just that I was very happy with that news, the best they have given me in a long time.
-             Cool! Look, the rebuilding of my house is finished in two weeks, if you can put up with a little more of that there, you will be free sooner than you think. I even asked that they add a room for you. - the black-haired man smiled
- I appreciate it, Walter. Nothing will make me happier than leaving my bad memories behind and forging new ones with you.
The boy blushed, thanked the older man for having hope in him and they both said goodbye.
The boy put aside his device, cleaned his desk a bit and arranged the papers a bit with his notes. He turned off the lights and then crawled into bed, Lovey landed next to him.
He stroked the bird with a finger, he seemed thoughtful.
- Oh, Lovey. Now I have to think about how to tell Lance.

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