17. Magic of faith

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(Liyana's POV)

The rest of the day was spend on listening to Shaan about Vanessa , Over thinking , taking a look at the tissue  and blushing to myself . To my luck Shaan forgot to enquire about the matter that was diverting me . And I never tried to remind him . To my honesty I kept the happy news of Vanessa and Shaan as a secret  from our parents . I spend my sleepy night with silly thoughts like .
'Now what?.....; Is he a waiter ?...So what ?..What might have he thought seeing me in uniform ..Will he reject me thinking me as a kid?.....Should I share it with anyone? ....Andrea or Ashley ?...Anyone of these two anyways I'm not going to share with that devil...It's not I don't trust him ...but he'll surely make fun of my weirdo story ..What 'll I do next ? Should I go to his café regularly...yuck.!...That's too much ... Then what 'll do? '

'Let's trust in faith . it 'll do its own magic '
I pacified Myself .

I whispered to myself holding the tissue  near to chest . I let the tissue drool into my pleasant satisfying heart beats .

A silly smile crept my lips .
I don't remember when the sleep kissed my consciousness .

Next day I woke up as usual and got ready to welcome my new challenges . I really put on a minimal make-up but I was too sluggish to put it on . I ran out of my room catching my bag lazily.  Being a Clumsy AF I fell down on my knees and palms. I fell at the breach of the point where the stair case begins .

"Thank God! ... I would 've trembled along the stairs like in movies"
I mumbled getting up and fetching my bag .

"Ohh! tiger where are you upto ?"
Shaan asked coming out of his room .He was in his t-shirt and track suits.

He reached for my books lying across the floor and passed it to me .

"Going to school !"
I yelled in a hurry climbing down the stairs quickly.

He held my hand and made me face him .

"What is it  Shaan ? I'm already late "

I lied . I still had a lot of time for the bus to arrive.

"Do you forgot it . Our deal was only for one day . It have came to it's end by now ."
He said faking a robotic tone .

"Yaar please let me go.."
I pleaded showing off my puppy face .

'I know it doesn't works on this heartless devil but still have to do my best to go to my boring school  . I hardly two days including today to see him .'

"No means no. .Lia I'll get bored sitting here simply watching the great aunty talks and gossips..Please yaar and I-I ..am.."

He pleaded in frustration . Before he could beg infront of me.  I simply spoke up.

"Yaar Shaan . I wanted to stay . But I should go ....You have to let me go man .."

I lied again.

His face fell dull . I can't withstand it . An idea struck my mind .

" you can drive me to and fro  and Vanessa! Let's call her too... Let's repeat yesterday's routine "

I squeaked .

"But I don't know ?  she 'll agree or not ? ..What if her parents won't allow her"
He said in a frustration.

"Are you nervous? Impossible! "
I gasped with disbelief .

I haven't seen this Devil so nervous before . He didn't reply . He sighed and gazed down into his phone .

"oops. ..I'm sorry. .you are stressed out right now. Calm down okay? "
I consoled him patting his shoulder.

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