30 . You Worth It

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(Liyana's POV)

I walked nervously into his café . Before I could ask about Danish to the man at the counter . The man gestured upstairs and smiled politely .   I gave a nervous smile and climbed the stairs . The café was not busy as usual  . When I approached his cabin I haulted.  I took deep breaths and pacified myself.

"Calm down Liyana . You got this "
I whispered and reached for the door knob.  I twisted it softly while holding my heavy breath . I didn't mind to take permission . I opened the door slightly and got in . The door slammed slightly behind me . I gasped viewing the room as a whole .  The desk was surrounded with crimson red baloons and the desk was filled with all chocolates , drinks and pastries I loved . And above all a romantic song pkaying behind .

' He is bribing me completely . Don't get tempted Lia !'

I gulped my craving . I drove my eyes to the most attractive thing I confront ever in my life .

Danish !

He was wearing a dark deep charcoal shirt matching his dark deep dimple and charcoal eyes . He had his shirt inshirt perfectly .  He was looking handsome ever in those shirt and black pants . His black belt glazed in the fairy lights around the balloons . His spectacles hung on his pant's front pocket along with his earphones .
His beard was being trimmed.
He looked like an alpha or a vampire . The room was filled with toxic smell of him . Royal -vanilla . I don't deserve him . Because he was too much for me to digest . I was really tempted over him than all other things around him .

He was standing leaning simply to his table with his attractive smile showing off his dimple .
I want to dip my finger into his deep dimple . And his full lips glazed with wetness.  It was damn tempting.  I was drooled into him totally . I can't stop myself from being his . I paced involuntarily to him . I took soft steps towards him with my heart pounding vigourosly out of my conscience .

How can he just stay there and smile simply and tempt me this much .

I bit my lips with embrassment with my cheeks flushing up .

(Danish's POV)

I waited for this moment for so long . I chuckled when she gazed at the chocolates and gulp harder . How can my angel be so innocent . I viewed Liyana taking baby steps towards me with her coffee brown eyes totally on me .
She was wearing a dark purple half gown with black leggings matching to his black half shoes . And a black shawl over her head simply . Not in a hijab style  . She only wore a black watch in her bare soft white arms . And her long wavy dark coffee coloured silky hair lay on her back lazily . It was not tied . In a single expression She looked like an angel . I stood up properly as she reached me . My gaze fell to her coffee brown eyes . She lowered her gaze with shyness showing off her long enough eyelashes . She bit her wet lip with shyness . My gaze fell to her wet tempting lips . The cut across her lower lip was healing .
I can't take it anymore.  This is too much . I gulped the hard lump in my throat suppressing my urge to take her in my arms .

"Liyana! "
I whispered.

She trembled a little at my voice . She shook her head as if she was returning to her senses . I crossed my arms across my chest leaning back to my desk .

"Danish..Take everything that I  say in a positive senses .I ...um..My.... My dad and mom accepted your proposal only because you are ready to accept my past . It's not like You don't deserve me or something . Instead you deserves more than a silly ME . I-I um..You don't have to do this Danish . After knowing all those Shitts...I-I don't know "
Liyana said in a single breath .

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