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Name/Nicknames: Jennifer Mae Jaspurin, Jenny, Jen

Age: 24

Birthday: April 22th, 1999 (Taurus)

Gender: Female (she/her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers: Ability to make someone die or go insane by her words

Weapon of Choice: Knife or rope

Forms: 2

Behavior: Enthusiastic, outgoing, bubbly, cheerful, excited and startled easily, stubborn, kind, friendly, tries to be helpful/supportive, impatient, apologetic, regrets what she's done in the past, VERY vengeful when enough buttons have been pressed

Parents/Relatives: Unknown parents, but they were terrible abusers and drug addicts... Older brother is Vobai

Kids: Lunar and Diamond (my sister's OC's)

Appearance: Blonde hair that goes down to mid-back, light blue eyes, red mark on neck, peach skin

Creator: MakailaTheArtist

Backstory: Because of how happy, silly, and enthusiastic she was, everybody in her school loved her! She was somewhat popular with lots of people wanting to be friends with her. She may seem a little cocky at times, but nonetheless, everybody loved her. Though she would get bullied at times because of her happy attitude. She didn't care though, at least, that's what everybody thinks. That she'd brush it off and bam, be back to being happy! But under the mask of this optimistic girl was something else... She wasn't always happy. She had to suffer from family and the stress of school. If she didn't get things done, she would get beat or yelled at. This didn't help her mental health at all. Overtime, she grew depressed and stressed... But remained masking it all up at school. On the positive side, she had her boyfriend Chris! They were like two peas in a pod, always seen together whenever the chance. Everybody adored them. Someone else who kept her on her toes was her good friend Ember. Ember loved hanging out with them. And even though Ember knew they were both going through things, she pranked them too. Only in hopes of cheering them up. But one fatal day, Jenny couldn't take the pranking, school, family... She couldn't take it anymore. So, she told Chris what she was going to do. He tried to stop her, but grew depressed and felt useless. So... Because he didn't want to leave her and was also sick of her pranks, he joined Jenny... They both hung themselves and died.

Info about Death: She died in 2010 as well with an unknown month and day at the age of 11. She and Chris died about 2 months before Ember died. Because they weren't at peace and wanted to get revenge, they began to haunt Ember. Tormenting her, in hopes of Ember "joining their side." And because of her death, Vobai (her brother, Edith-AND-Jinx) deeply cared and still to this day, feels awful. Though, Ember's mother Comet decided to give Jenny and Chris their human bodies back about... 2 or 3 years ago. Going along with that, she and Chris have a permanent red mark on their neck.

Mental Illness: Depression

Insanity Scale: 5

Wears: She likes to wear long-sleeved things. Like long skirts, long-sleeved things, anything. This is unknown why, but I'm guessing she just finds it comfy. Could also be because of something in the past.

Species: Human..? Chiro?

Lives: ???

Occupation: Not sure what kind of job she should have...

Height: 5'8

Weaknesses: Pills/Drugs, being called out, being told that she's wrong about something

Love Status: Dating FTGFreddy/Enita (Edith-AND-Jinx)

Catchphrases: None.

Fav. Food/Drink: Nothing in specific, she's fine with most things. Favorite drink is Lemonade

Fav. Colors: Black, red, blue, yellow, orange

Dis/Likes: Cats, dogs, being with Vobai and FTGFreddy, trying to make new friends, being around me sometimes, bullying some people. Dislikes abandonment, being forgotten, being insulted, being startled

Crushes: FTGFreddy

Theme Song: If U Seek Amy by Britney Spears or Candle Queen by GHOST

Fun Facts/Additional Info: She has a red mark on her neck due to hanging herself. When she and Chris died, they were still dating and would follow each other everywhere. They haunted and tormented Ember because they say "she was part of the reason they died"... Meaning that the pranks Ember would pull on them stressed them out even more, and couldn't take the stress in life anymore.

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