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Peter Parker's pov (plan b)

I get out of the bed slowly and look at the empty place next to me and sigh. I hiss a little as my back starts to pain. I look up at the bathroom door when I hear it open and see Teddy stood there in a suit. I smile at him and he looks away from me.

I frown and pick up my shirt and slip it on. I slip my trousers on and my eyes land on a picture frame on the bedside table. There was a pretty blonde female stood beside Teddy and there was two little girls stood in front of them. The girls looked a little like Teddy. I look away from the frame and back at Teddy. He avoids looking at me.

"I would leave then." I say and he nodded.

I quickly pick up my shoes and slip them on. I look back at him and he quickly looks away from me. I guess I am unwanted. I walk into the bathroom and clean my face and look at my neck to see hickeys all over my neck.

I place a hand over my neck and I take a deep inhale and then exhale. I walk out of the bathroom and the room. Teddy walks out behind me.

As I walk down the stairs a male with blond hair runs into me and I flinch back. He looks up at me and his eyes narrowed as he looked at my neck that was covered in hickeys and I place my hand over it, trying to hide them.

"Teddy. You..." The male trailed of as he looked back at Teddy with wide eyes.

I quickly left the house and started to walk with my head down. I called an uber after I was far away from the mansion. I cried as I sat in the uber. I felt used but it just hurt to have him ignore me. I don't know much about him but my heart seems to call out for him. As I sat in the uber I thought back to a something I had read about. Soulmates, I had felt a lot of things when I was near him and all of them were what was described in the book.

I would know in the future. If he truly is my mate. I am not sure but I will know.

I got out of the car and payed the driver and quickly walked into the tower. I didn't want to be seen by anyone so I tried to be as stealthy as I could be. But right as I was walking past the kitchen, Mr Stark called me.

"Peter, come and have breakfast." I hear him say and I hesitantly walk in.

I know that I would have to get plan b and I didn't want to go myself. I am gonna ask MJ to get it for me. As I walk in I notice that most of the avengers were here.

All of their eyes went to my neck and I started to fidget. I looked down and covered the hickeys with my hands.

"Sit down." Came the stern voice of Captain America.

I walk to a chair and sit down. I don't look up at any of them because I am to embarrassed to do so.

"Did you use protection?" Mr white wolf(Bucky) asked and I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I need you to get me plan b." I whisper out in embarrassment.

"Okay kid. I will get one right now." Mr Stark said and stood up.

"I will get it for you from the infirmary that is in the tower." Mr Stark said and then he rushed out of the room with Mr Banner. I sit there in silence and everyone sits there as if they can't believe that I was careless.

"Peter who was it?" Harley asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"His name is Teddy. I met him at the party last night." I say and he nodded.

"Here." Mr Stark said as he handed me a bag right as he entered the kitchen. I take it and grab a glass of water and quickly swallow the pill.

"Peter you need to he careful from now on. I don't want you to have a baby. You are spiderman. It wouldn't work out. You life would not be the same if you got a child. Don't be reckless." Mr Stark said and I nod and look down.

"Stark don't be like that. His life won't be ruined. It would just change. And he will adapt because every parent adapts to having a child." Mr Strange said and Mr Stark rolled his eyes.

"His life would be ruined." Mr Stark said and I stand up.

"I am gonna go." I say as I rush up to my room.

I take out my phone as I sit down in bed. I see a message from an unknown number and click on it to see that the name registered was Edward Remus Teddy Lupin.

My eyes widen and I immediately read over the message.

'Sorry about this morning. I just had gotten a call from my family and they gave me some things that I didn't really want to think of. But do want to meet up sometime?' -Teddy

I smile and roll over in bed and squeal. I quickly type back a response.

'Oh it's okay. And I would definitely like to meet up.'

I wait for a reply as I stare at the phone. I quickly open the message when it comes.

'Sure. How about we meet up in four days?' -Teddy

'Why so late?'

I ask without thinking and before I could delete the message it was already too late because he had viewed it.

"I am so dumb." I say as I look at my message in fear.

'My cousins children have grounded me until I talk with my cousin. And my cousin is out for three days.' -Teddy

'Okay. And I am sorry for intruding.'

I quickly typed out.

'Oh its okay. And when you become mine you would be granted with asking any question you want to. So its better to start from now.' -Teddy

I felt my face start to warm up and I tried to think of a response but came up with nothing. I was left speechless. I started to type but then deleted it. I didn't know what to say. So I did what I thought was best and ignored the message and twisted the conversation. And thankfully he didn't tease me and we texted back and forth for hours until I had to do work.

Authors note.

Updated on: 14 June 2021

Word count:

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