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Edward Remus Teddy Lupin pov

"Victoire." I call out to the blonde that was sat on the couch. I didn't want to talk with her about it right now but I have to.

It has been three weeks since I came back. Three weeks since I have been trying to tell my wife of my affair, but failing. I have been missing Peter terribly these past few weeks. We had gotten know each other so much in three small weeks.

"Yeah?" She asked as she looked up at me.

I didn't want to tell her. Her family was going to be here in a few hours and I am telling her this. I have to her now though because if I don't then I don't think I ever will. I have to grow a pair and just tell her.

"I had sex with someone while I was away." I say and then cringe on how bad my words sounded. Victoire just stared at me for awhile and then burst out laughing.

"For a second I thought you were being serious." She said and shook her head.

"No Victoire. I am not joking. I am serious. When I went out for the trip three weeks ago I meant someone and fell in love. We had sex and I went on dates with him." I say and she looks at me with disbelief.

"You didn't only cheat on. But you did it with a man. Who even is that house wrecker. Tell me and I will teach that man a lesson." She said as she stood up and I shook my head.

"He doesn't know." Right after I said that I was punched in my face and then kicked in my legs.

"Why you bastard? Why?" She shouted into my face and her hands came in contact with my body. She started to hit me and I didn't try to stop her.

A kick to my abdomen and I was doubling over in pain. The pain that shot through my whole body like there were hundreds of knives piercing through my body. I look up at Victoire to see that she had her wand pointed at me and had thrown a very painful hex my way. And then she was again hitting and kicking me and I let her do as she wished.

"Victoire. What are you doing?" I heard Harry's voice yell out and then Victoire was pulled of from me.

"Get up Teddy." Ginny pulled me of from the floor and I saw that almost all of the Weasley family was here.

I saw Victoire' family and I stepped back knowing that if everything went wrong they will attack me. I had to he safe and not let anyone of them get too close to me.

"He cheated on me." Victoire yelled and I got another hit to the head.

"And what a hypocrite you are. We have never have loved each other Victoire. We only got together because I got you pregnant. There was no love between us from the start." I yell and there is silence in the whole house.

"Its true. And that's the reason you are not saying anything back. Love never between us. And you can't blame me for falling in love. You can't Victoire. It hurts me to live here because I am not who I am you all see me as." I shout in anger and feel my eyes moisten and a lump starts to form in my throat.

I look around the room and the whole family just stood there. My eyes land on Albus and I grit my teeth. He is hiding his family all because the Weasley family and Potter family don't like Draco.

"Well if everything is coming out, I might as well do it too. I have a son with Scorpius Malfoy." Albus blurted out and and all the judging eyes that were on me went to Albus in sync. I am surprised no one broke their neck from how fast their heads turned.

"You are dating Scorpius. I don't know how my brother scored himself such a handsome boy to himself." James voice was the one that broke the silence.

"We will talk about your secret child and relationship when we get back home." Ginny said and then turned back to face me and I looked towards Victoire to see her looking down and wringing her hands together.

"What are you gonna do now?" Ginny asked and I turn to look at her.

"Get divorced. And share custody of Jocelynn and Ashlynn." I said as soon as I heard the question.

"I don't want my children to be in the presence of that man of yours." Victoire said with venom lacing her words.

"You haven't even met him and you are hating on him. Our children will be ours, they will not be his. So don't worry about him stealing them away. And we probably will not even have children together so don't think that Jocelynn and Ashlynn will become second choices. I wouldn't replace them, never. And if it means not having another child, then so be it." I yell in anger and I feel my hands start to itch.

"That hurts me to think that you might have to tell that to Peter. He will be crushed Teddy. Knowing that you are not going to ever think of a future between the two of you. That you will never want to see him bare a child for you. And from the conversation I had heard you have with him, I know he wants a family in the future." Albus said and I sigh in frustration.

"You know this man he is with. Why didn't you tell me Albus?" Victoire yelled out and Albus just shrugged.

"It hasn't been that long since Teddy started to date him. And Victoire he would have left you even if he loved you. Peter is his mate and he will be his first choice." Albus said and then turned around on his feet and walked out.

"Well I wish you two a good life after being separated. This is for the best." Hermione said and I looked at Victoire to see her next to her father and mother.

"Four weeks. And then we will be going our own ways. The divorce and custody will be finalized then. You can bring this lover of yours here on the day we divorce. Until then you will have to stay here." Victoire said and I nod. I could wait for four weeks to see Peter again. But I only can wish that Peter doesn't move on from me.

Authors note.

Updated on: 14 June 2021

Word count:

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