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Ok, ok. I know I put this story on hiatus, but I figured I'd take a page out of Kuro's book and sort of rework my previous chapters. I had gotten a writing software for school and figured to use it on here. Tell me what you think.
P.s If you don't know, Kuro is a co-creator of "5yrs later," a Danny Phantom and Ben 10 cross over. He had started to recently to clean up the older art work for the chapters so yeah.

Eons before the end of the war on earth. Two figures look out over multiple pods.
(3rd P.O.V)
Autobot base: Iacon
( Two shadowy figures, one large and one small )
????: Are you sure this is going to work. The Decepticons have already shot down every pod we've launched.
????: I am. Teletran input the coordinates for the safe haven and prepared to fire.
????: WAIT, WHAT. You can't be serious. They will shoot down anything that comes within a click of the atmosphere, and even if they miss, we don't even know if it'll survive transport through the intergala...
The larger bot places his hand on the shorter bots shoulder interrupting him.
????: That's why we are firing multiple at once, and trust me, old friend, we know the dangers. Now fire. ( As the larger bot waves his hand)
As all the pods fire up and head in different directions.
Decepticon base: Kaon
A slimmer bot with wings is looking at a console
????: My Lieutenant, we are detecting multiple objects leaving the atmosphere of the planet. Shall I alert the lord?
????: Where are they coming from.
????: Iacon, sir.
????: If that's, they may be Decepticon weapons and armor. And if he finds out, we destroy them. He'll have our heads.
Commander( inner thoughts): But if they aren't, he'll have my head. I need to develop a plan B if it doesn't work.
????: LIEUTENANT ( A booming voice say on a screen)! Why have none of the weapons have fired at those pods?
Lieutenant: I'm sorry, my Lord ( tremble in voice) it seems we might have a traitor in our midst who deactivated the weapon system.
Lord: We'll see, and Lieutenant, if I find out that you have been lying to me, I'll personally remove your spark myself.
Lieutenant: As you wish, My Lord
The Ark LaunchPad
????: Commander, our scouts have returned but with heavy causality.
Older Autobot scout: We're sorry, commander ( as he moves to the side to reveal a young bot in critical condition with a hole in his neck).
Autobot Commander: Oh no. What happened!
Other Scout: He saw him brutally murdering innocents. We tried to stop him, but we were too late.
Another: He ripped out his voice box.
( As the commander looked with horror in his eyes)
Commander: Someone get him to the medical bay now!
Various Bots: Yes, commander!
(As a large Green bot and other enters with boxes of Energon in their hands)
Green bot: Guess what we just hit!
( As he looks around to see that this is not the time)
Green bot: Ehhh. I'll come back later.
( As the green bot prepares to leave, and Older Medibot stops him)
Medibot: We won't have a later.
Pilot: He's right. Our scanners have noticed that the Decepticons' weapons are deactivating. This is our only opening.
Soldier bot: But not everyone is here.
Pilot: But if we don't, we will never get another chance to. It's your call, commander.
Commander: Fire up the engines. We'll send out a signal with our coordinates when we reach our destination. For now, let's save those we can.
( As the Ark starts to lift off, everyone takes their position and prepares to make their journey)
sorry it's short but I did what I could for my first time writing I just hope you enjoyed it. I promise in the future the chapters will be longer than this.

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